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Alias Born 01/19/2006


Re: None

Friday, 02/16/2007 7:22:58 PM

Friday, February 16, 2007 7:22:58 PM

Post# of 84231
Sorry folks about the oversight.
Once you go to the link, in the previous post, click on Travado IBUS and then click on Travado IBUS Systems Overview on the left. Or the School Transportation Facts on the right and these may help clarify the points I am trying to make about the different company's features. The obvious point, is the difference between the other company and ATWEC, is that the bus and the child are separate. My child has a tough time keeping track of things let alone a biometrics card.
The ATWEC system forces the driver to physically check for children. I would be more comfortable with this.

Also, FWIW, there seems to be many out there who have the "Big Brother" syndrome. With others having the ability to track us or our kids, some may balk. This argument would not be applicable with ATWEC products as it would possibly be with the other company's.

There is a big uproar about the increase in school taxes here in my county, and if the school district could save on insurance for busses while at the same time helping secure children, it would be accepted with open arms.

Right now after some investigating, I have learned that our school district uses another non-driver at the end of the run to go back to the bus and recheck that the driver didn't overlook somebody. In spite of this a few years back, a child was left aboard. The ATWEC system would eliminate the cost of the second bus checker, lower the overall bus insurance and there by lower school taxes. Earlier, when I called my Representative's office, and I was asked to gather information to provide "the office" so they could investigate for presentation to the school board for comparison. The only similarity between the two company's systems is that in my school district, it is mandatory to have mounting fixtures installed on all busses so that cameras can be installed temporarily if the need arises. No one but the School Superintendent knows what bus will have the actual camera installed. The cameras are moved randomly from one bus to another if there is no definitive need. This is the only overlap between the ATWEC line and the NTSC line. I was told that the system is as it is due to the prohibitive costs associated with maintaining and the placement of cameras on every bus.

I guess it shouldn't surprise me the Rep. even though he has run unopposed for the last two elections, is interested in this. I live in a fairly small community and most people know each other so the prospect of possibly alleviating to some extent, a hot button issue like school taxes is very appealing to the Congressman. I should have realized this much sooner.

I must admit that I have not done anything worthwhile about bringing to the attention of my representatives, the opportunity to help kids while also lowering bus insurance and ultimately school taxes. Now I can see the need and will make this effort also. I apologize to the original ATWEC I-Hub moderators who posted in the I-Box the appeal to bring this issue to the attention of our legislators.
I hope others will join me and if there is any information I dig up or experience I can share when meeting with the right people, I gladly will.

In no way, am I saying NTSC is going to be involved with ATWEC or not but viewing their system and knowing it must be more costly than ATWEC's as well as requiring more interaction on the part of the driver than walking to the back of the bus at the end of run and disarming the system after checking on the way and on the way back, for kids, has heightened my approval for the ATWEC line. If something is worked out, with NTSC, or some other similar company that would be great but ATWEC's approach, IMO, is far more appropriate and applicable for this application.

I learned all this after reading the "speculation" about NTSC just a short while ago. Think of what we all could do if we all spend an hour or two just checking to see if it is worth the effort to alert our own individual School Districts and lawmakers.

Some school boards may not be raising taxes; some places may already have legislation in place, some school districts may outsource this service and others may not see the need for further safety enhancements but what the heck? The worst anyone can say is no and then you will have tried and if God forbid, something does go wrong in your town, you will know you did all you could. I know I can't say that and to make it worse I know more about school bus safety than most due to my watching ATWEC.

It has been my experience my local reps and even the Federal ones (if you can get an appointment) don't mind listening especially if they might look good! After finally bringing it up to someone who is one of those people who is involved with everything in the community or so it seems, I realize now that this is not just about a stock but it is an issue people with power and influence will consider if they just know of it. Instead of spending so much time posting about ATWEC, I am making a commitment to do all that I can, to get this looked at by those who can make a difference.

If nothing else, I will get the chance to see in person, how willing bussing administrators and legislators are about this. One thing is for sure, based on what I know about ATWEC's customer base, I am assuming that if bus companies or the community officials that legislate them are not going to be using the product, then it might be time to move on.
That's what it's all about isn't it, customer base and sales?

Here are some numbers others may be able to use with information from ATWEC and West Bend to give to their Reps. so they can approach their school boards to at least check out and compare or do so themselves and possibly propose some legislation. (From NTSC's site) but it is a start. I'll list information as I find it. I will let the board know how this effort is received.

School Bus Experts
School Bus Information Council (toll-free hotline to experts): (888) 367-7242
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA): (202) 366-9550
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB): (202) 314-6100
Safety Board (NTSB): (202) 314-6100

I think I finally get it. If we want to help ATWEC and our kids, then the only thing will be to get the word to the right people and not posting threats or personal trading information that can be taken advantage of by enabling those who have the means to influence to manipulate us and thereby the pps. This time, I am holding very close to the 52 wk low after selling some time ago, a portion for a substantial loss, now that I am far more loaded than when I sold, I won't sell for a loss or even a breakeven so therefore, barring a meteor impact, I am a prisoner to this stock and believe it or not I know it is alright! That being said, I will not sit on my laurels now that I know how and who to go to make a difference. Who posted "Just one big contract? I bet if we all try, some are going to happen.


Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin