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Re: stemcell post# 122676

Tuesday, 03/21/2023 11:31:10 AM

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:31:10 AM

Post# of 122998
That logic looks good on paper but what happens is the bid (If brokers even buy from the retailers), they will change the level two so fast that if the bid says 5,000,000 asked 10,000,000, you can never get the entire 5,000,000 sold at the posted price. 5,000,000 does not mean they will pay that bid for all 5,000,000 shares.

When brokers see a run on the bid they may execute only 100,000 of the 5,000,000 then soon after transacted they lower the bid even more (below any profitability) NO ONE and I mean NO ONE can make a guaranteed $1,200,000 on $100,000 invested over time on the OTC. It may seem logical but the fact is the brokers wont allow it. Plus you have to hit every ticker with a guaranteed % gain and we all know that is never going to happen. One loss can kill all the profits from 100 plays.

Also they regulate the fees with the bid. If you buy and sell at $6 commissions ($12 total to buy then sell) on 100,000 shares, 25,000 of those shares at $.0005 has to absorb the cost of the commissions. At your 1% fraction theory when you apply the commissions means you lose money. This is regulated and set up all for the fact, brokers and debt sellers do not want ANY retailers selling at a profit forcing them to hold. Remember it’s their money and YOU CANT HAVE ANY OF IT!

The problem also is when the pump sets up initially at the higher price with the intent it may go to $5 up from $.20 the big level two may look good but will drop below profitability with one transaction leaving just about everyone at a loss. The dilution starts and price drops and people start to buy more to cost average. And remember ANY brokers buys on the bid come from the debt shares NOT retailers.

If someone posted your data as a proven FACT every person would be a millionaire. I do agree that retailers don't want to make just 1%. They dream of a new home, quit their job and buy a vacation condo in Florida that requires a $1000 investment in a $.0001 stock to rise to 10 cents per share is a gain of 100,000%.

If every stock offered the same guaranteed low level gains, as soon as many attempted to do that the brokers would shut down the bid to a total lose on any gains even 1/10th of 1%.
I have said it many times, the OTC schemes are like a CASINO and the house never loses. Most retailers gamble on the OTC scheme to make huge returns the same as sitting at the black jack table and playing $100 each hand and you hit a BLACK JACK every time and turning $100 into $250 each hand and we know that is IMPOSSIBLE!

If we use your logic it would be like going to the casino, playing $10 on roulette knowing that you will hit your number and double up but as you said make a little then leave. So after one play you win $20 and leave to go to another casino. But we all know you will never hit the number you play on one bet each time. Plus the cost to move from casino to casino similar to commissions to buy and sell can equate to far more losses then the 1% gain.
When you buy a major stock most have no commissions (except for OTC schemes) where TD makes $50,000,000 per quarter on commissions.

But the little known secret is when brokers offer no commissions on major stocks; they are in a microsecond accumulating all the sales and buy data on any given ticker. The technology is so precise now that TD can accumulate the buy and sell data and in the second it takes to transact the buy or sell order, the technology can accumulate what the price will do on any given split second before the orders are placed. TD can then buy and sell a % of each order and buy or sell based on what will happen in any given trade.

What that means is TD and other brokers, for example see the buys and sell on Amazon stock and the system will calculate the % of buys and % sells and trigger an internal buy or sell based on that data. Sounds like insider trading right! But you can’t blame a computer and the transactions happen so fast no one notices.

So how do I know this? That is what I do. I tested this theory based on long-term trades and found that brokers are posting record profits, but where are they coming from? Market manipulation is illegal but having technology-allowing brokers to buy and sell based on buy and sell orders placed is not illegal.

So they don’t need to charge commissions, they make much more trading based on what is about to be traded. Sounds sneaky!

So why don’t the brokers do that to OTC scheme tickers? Because they know any buy and sell internally based on buy and sells on the open market would render them very little profits even on a large share transaction. They figure just charge people a commission knowing 10,000,000 trades may happen on any given week at $6 is $60,000,000 a week in total for all the brokers who sell OTC stocks.

When I spoke to an ex-employee of TD, he said they know the stocks are bad they know they will be diluted and know they will make $6 x 2 with each buy and sell and he said that if they warn investors about OTC tickers they will lose as much as $50,000,000 each quarter on commissions.

He also said that this 15c211 that was supposed to stop fraud caused many tickers from being traded and they lost about $24,000,000 in commissions. He further said they anticipate 15c211 being retracted so that the pump and dumps can go back to the OTC and get the commissions moving again. It’s all about MONEY, nothing else.

He also confirmed about the no commission stocks saying that on any given 100 shares traded they may execute an internal buy or sell in a microsecond and make $.10 per transaction on the sell or buy on one share out of 100 traded. When you see a company trade 50,000,000 per day in the $20-$100 per share range and they internally make only $.10 on 100 shares is 500,000 x $.10 per day on one ticker ($50,000) they do that with 100s of stocks (not OTC tickers) so you can see 100 minimum x $50,000 is $5,000,000 per day in FREE MONEY! That comes to $1.2 billion annually at the MINIMUM!

One share sold or bought out of every 100 is literally nothing to cause an issue with the buy and sell price BUT those $.10 sure add up! If they also do this with cheaper shares in the $1 range they make even more money. How do you think wall-street posts trillions in profits on no commission stocks? Must be nice

Brokers know doing this with pumped stocks there is no money in it. That goes back to the casino scenario, Play with the house not against it and the house never loses.
Open a margin account with $1000, wait for a new HOT stock that’s $.05 or more and put in a short sell order and wait. When the stock tanks to $.01 you buy it back and make $.04 per share or more if it drops further and we know it will.

Sell short 2,000 $.05 shares ($100) on the initial pump (we did it with SGMD at $.18 and many others) and wait. We know OTC schemes must get in and out fast before they implode and know that the longer they take the less people will buy as all the suckers are holding at that point not buying more.

When the stock tanks to $.01 you buy back the 2,000 shares for $20 and you made $80 (in about a week) that’s an 80% return not 1% and is a SURE THING based on the schemes set up, debt, authorized and structure of what they want to achieve.
You do that with 100 tickers even a month and you are making a nice $8,000 a month on $100 bets. If you look at all the failed tickers then the new one that take their place will do the same you jump in fast and buy back fast and move to the next ticker. OR wait for the stock reverse and do it all over again with the same ticker.

I don’t want to hear all these responses saying “but what about the fees and %” or it’s impossible to short OTC stocks. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE in the market. It’s the Wild West!

Money is the name of the game and rules are for suckers. And with millions of suckers who lose accumulated to over $100 billion annually, regulations will never change and questionable activity overlooked because lawmakers are ALL IN ON IT!

It’s just the way it is. While millions are losing little, few are making Billions!