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Re: None

Saturday, 03/18/2023 1:20:09 AM

Saturday, March 18, 2023 1:20:09 AM

Post# of 138022
I would like to know Johnny's background and where was his first employment at $4.25 per hour at.

Also, I would like to know if Johnny has a similar story to Kevin Oleary and that lady telling him to clean the floor.

If Johnny wrote an autobiography, I think it should be called "Success, Enough is Enough" by Johnny.

I don't want to write the whole biography here just give an overview for Johnny to expand on.

Basically in Johnny's book about success with OTTV he can discuss how he is comfortably successful, even people like Mark Cuban admits he would be happy with a tenth of his money, and talk about Kevin Oleary' crypto.

Johnny can talk about how it was 18 years in the making for Viva and end the book with upcoming '34 projections and tell all that Viva is about to launch.