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Alias Born 09/05/2002

Re: DewDiligence post# 1030

Thursday, 03/16/2023 4:18:08 PM

Thursday, March 16, 2023 4:18:08 PM

Post# of 1093 an EV play, the CEO says on today’s GS webcast.

When I mentioned the above to an experienced investor, they thought I was talking about CAT’s electrifying its lineup of mining equipment, which was a reasonable interpretation. However, what I intended to convey in the above statement is that the robust demand for minerals that go into EV batteries will inevitably boost the demand for mining equipment sold by CAT.

CAT does intend to electrify its lineup of mining equipment, but that’s a separate (and subordinate) issue.

“The efficient-market hypothesis may be
the foremost piece of B.S. ever promulgated
in any area of human knowledge!”

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