Check out the logistics section in the iBox to learn how to gain access to "inside" the swarm and its future ideas and plans. It shows the steps to signing up for Yahoo Messenger, which is a real time chatting service (FREE by the way). I believe it would benefit the swarm if we are able to chat more rapidly and get to know one another, along with discuss stock issues. As of now, we have approx. 10 total locusts signed up! Come join us!
If we get enough people, we can set up some designated times, and have a online chat sessions(via setting up a chat room through Yahoo) where we can all be in one place at one time either BSing, or talking business. After you are signed up, you can send me a message at: ajcmstocks
Any questions, or assistance with setting it up, please PM me, or if you are a free member, make a public posts, and if I am not around at the time, hopefully another locust can help you out.