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Alias Born 12/21/2016

Re: Scoobydooooooo post# 486

Saturday, 01/21/2023 7:42:15 PM

Saturday, January 21, 2023 7:42:15 PM

Post# of 500
It might not, then again it might take off after the longs wait out their time for selling as a tax loss and buy back in lower than what their original price was. I think it is worth a try. They have many things going for them. Their licensing is good because they can bottle and warehouse their product. The price of input in California is low. Their flavours play well in Canada where available. They also co pack and have execs from Cott (3rd largest pop co in the US) Jobes Soda plus weed is a great way to go Cali sober! It could go either way so I am holding what I have but not buying more atm. I see them doing what they say they will in spite of what the share price is.

Anything I post is my opinion only and subject to change on a whimsy