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Re: ErnieBilco post# 65851

Thursday, 12/29/2022 7:42:02 PM

Thursday, December 29, 2022 7:42:02 PM

Post# of 70549
That "valuation" was determined unilaterally by HNRC. There was no external appraisal of the assets involved and, most importantly, the market has not yet voted on what it thinks the value of those assets is.

If Mr. Market thought those assets were worth $1.75 per HNRC share, HNRC would have traded much closer to 1.75 instead of around .30 before the spinoff.

My guess is that it is substantially less than !.75 per HNRC share. If I am wrong, more power to you.

If I could afford to buy all of them, I would not need to buy any of them and I sure wouldn't be spending time on the message boards!