Emit- Here is what you are looking for:
Support Any Format,Any Time
TI’s Internet Audio solution provides
the flexibility to listen to
music in any format at any time.
MP3, Windows Media Audio, Real
G2, ATRAC3, Dolby Digital, ePAC,
TwinVQ, QDMC, 723.1, and AUDIBLE.
COM™ are just a few of the
formats that TI supports. Portable
digital audio players engineered
with TI DSPs can be programmed
to accommodate music in any format.
The audio standards will
either be encoded in the program
material, reside in the player, or
be downloaded from the Internet.
Regardless of the delivery methods,
any player engineered with a
TI C5000™ DSP will be able to
handle any audio standard.
Our IA solution also supports multiple
media formats including Compact
Flash, Smart Media, MMC, SD,
Memory Stick, and Secure MMC.