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Alias Born 03/04/2004

Re: None

Tuesday, 11/15/2022 8:20:38 AM

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 8:20:38 AM

Post# of 614
CHUC is the ONLY STOCK that offers this...

The market may be focused on marijuana plays or the ENDLESS number of Delta 8 companies, but CHUC is THE ONLY public company that is focused on/offering "alternative cannabis."

In CHUC's press release announcing Pinweel, their products include Delta 8, Delta 11, THC-O, THC-P and HHC. All of these cannabinoids are derived from hemp, which is LEGAL at Federal level.

Delta 11 and THC P are the 2 cannabinoids that are getting A LOT of attention for their strength...and are now considered the BEST LEGAL ALTERNATIVE to marijuana.

Delta 11 is about 3X stronger than Delta 9 THC.

THC P is the most potent cannabinoid currently (5-10Xs stronger than Delta 9 THC, 10-20Xs stronger than Delta 8).

If you do an Edgar Search for Delta 11 and THC P, you will find that CHUC is the ONLY public company offering these.

Read the full report on CHUC

Author of How To Find Big Stocks

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