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Alias Born 08/10/2022

Re: None

Saturday, 11/05/2022 10:02:02 AM

Saturday, November 05, 2022 10:02:02 AM

Post# of 797195
The Jury has a right to know the history...””
The taking of private property in violation of the 5th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Premeditated Eaton Park
The Take Down
Deferred Tax Assets
Do the Math

The subject of the 'Deferred Tax Assets' should be explained in simplicity, so simple that a Juror with no knowledge of finance could easily understand.

SCOTUS Quote: “If you do the math, the government's been paid back in toto plus 10 percent interest and there's 29.5 billion dollars left over.” End of Quote... This was dated back in 2021. Since more money has been paid to the Treasury. I would have the math done to the exact amount up to date as of this date in time.


INFORMATION FROM: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission web site.

The counterfeiting of U.S. assets. Theft from pension funds, State employee retirement accounts, and U.S. Citizens. The counterfeiting of shares of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Where are our regulators and who are they protecting?

Quote: “Without the counterfeiting of the GSEs shares and the concerted effort to manipulate the stock prices, the GSEs potential to raise significant capital would have been much greater and it is unlikely that the U.S. Taxpayers would be the conservators of these companies at this time. This report shows why this is true and that illegal sellers of the shares of the two GSEs made a vast sum of money taking down these companies to the detriment of the U.S. Citizens. This report names who the key market participants are in the trading of the GSEs.” End of Quote.



The Market-Makers Naked Short of Fannie Mae stock into oblivion, created the sense the company was bankrupt too big to fail and would destroy the U.S. Economy if something was not done. Afterwards, forced the company into a takeover (nationalization) making the company write off the deferred tax assets creating a huge loss to further the appearance the company to be bankrupt in an attempt to never ever allow Fannie Mae to return to profitability ever.


Mr. Howard Quote, “Convincing evidence exists that the conservatorships of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were planned well in advance, and that they were intended to remove the companies permanently from private ownership.” End of Quote

Quote, “On July 11, the New York Times published a front-page article saying, “Senior Bush administration officials are considering a plan to have the government take over one or both of [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] and place them in a conservatorship if their problems worsen.”Shares of the companies plunged, and in response Paulson publicly pledged support for them on July 13, saying, “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac play a central role in our housing finance system and must continue to do so in their current form as shareholder-owned companies.”Yet he had a very different private message for Wall Street insiders. As reported by Bloomberg in November of 2011, Paulson met with a select group of hedge fund managers at Eaton Park Capital Management on July 21, where he told them that Treasury was considering a plan to put Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship, which would effectively wipe out common and preferred shareholders.This, of course, is precisely what happened six weeks later. End of Quote, From “Treasury, the Conservatorships, and Mortgage Reform” January 11, 2015

Treasury, however, lacked authority to put the two companies into conservatorship; only the new regulator, FHFA, could do that. And Treasury had kept neither the old OFHEO nor the new FHFA apprised of its nationalization intentions. Paulson was unaware that the FHFA had sent both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac letters saying the companies were safe and sound and exceeded their regulatory capital requirements. Paulson told Lockhart that he had to change his agency’s posture on the two companies, and FHFA did exactly that. FHFA sent each company an extremely harsh mid-year review letter, and two days later, Paulson, Lockhart and Fed chairman Bernanke met with the companies’ CEOs and directors to tell them they had no choice but to agree to conservatorship.

When Paulson met with the directors of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to inform them of his intent to take over their companies, neither entity met any of the twelve conditions for conservatorship spelled out in the newly passed HERA legislation. Paulson since has admitted he took the companies over by threat. This fact has been stated in the Washington Federal Lawsuit filed against the government.
Page 30-31 Twelve Conditions


Deferred Tax Assets

The deferred tax assets, Treasury forced the companies to write down and record these non-cash expenses making the companies appear bankrupted. Keep in mind deferred tax ‘ASSETS’...

Mr. Howard
Quote: “Between the time Fannie and Freddie were put into conservatorship and the end of 2011, well over $300 billion in non-cash accounting expenses were recorded on their income statements. These non-cash expenses, most of which were discretionary, eliminated all of the Companies’ capital and forced them, together, to take $187 billion from Treasury. But because accelerated or exaggerated expenses cause losses that are only temporary, Fannie’s and Freddie’s non-cash losses began to reverse themselves in 2012. Coupled with profits resulting from a rebounding housing market, the reversal of these losses enabled both Companies to report in August 2012 sufficient second quarter income to not only pay their dividends to Treasury but also retain a total of $3.9 billion in capital. As soon as it became apparent that a large percentage of the non-cash accounting losses booked during the previous four years was about to come back into income, Treasury and FHFA entered into the Third Amendment to the PSPA. The Third Amendment substituted for the fixed dividend payment a requirement that all future earnings—including reversals of accounting-related expenses incurred earlier—be remitted to Treasury. From the time the Third Amendment took effect through the end of 2014, Fannie and Freddie paid Treasury $170 billion, $133 billion more than they would have owed absent the Amendment.” End of Quote


Again, the below information was dated back in 2021. Since more money has been paid to the Treasury. I would have the math done to the exact amount up to date as of this date in time.

“MR. THOMPSON: Number 1, we're seeking prospective relief so that in your hypothetical the Senate confirmed director would be enjoined from making any future sweep dividend, approving any future sweep dividend payment; and, number 2, we're asking to go back and have the overpayments, over and above the $18.9 billion, to be treated as a pay down of principal. And that would essentially deem the government paid back.

We calculate
those overpayments to be 124 billion dollars,
and each one of those overpayments was an
implementation of the Net Worth Sweep.

So, if there had not been a Net Worth
Sweep, there would be 124 billion dollars of
capital on the balance sheet today.

And if you do the math, the government's been paid back in toto plus 10 percent interest and there's 29.5 billion dollars left over.” End of Quote