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Re: kadlec post# 101639

Monday, 10/10/2022 3:06:56 PM

Monday, October 10, 2022 3:06:56 PM

Post# of 119081
Yes, comparing this technology to green hydrogen is quite simple. You take green hydrogen and you blend it with CO2 pollutants from the atmosphere and turn it into another green fuel referred to as green methanol. Green methanol has zero greenhouse gases attached to it because it's made from pollution. Take that green methanol blend it with gasoline using cyberfuels technology and you have a zero emissions green fuel.
Once you have the green methanol you'll be able to run it in the 1.3 billion combustion engines on the road right now worldwide. You won't need to create a hydrogen superstructure or infrastructure globally for autos, nor will you need to change all the cars globally or the fueling stations globally or the storage stations globally or the delivery systems globally. So cyberfuels and green methanol is a drop-in zero emissions replacement for gasoline. That is, of course taking the consideration. The 85% methanol 15% gasoline flex fuel blend. That would actually be negative. 7% greenhouse gas emissions

you can't litter negativity everywhere and then wonder why you have a trashy life -Pappy