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Alias Born 04/19/2011

Re: PutzMueler post# 84399

Friday, 10/07/2022 1:50:30 PM

Friday, October 07, 2022 1:50:30 PM

Post# of 117275
Mark Smith, Chairman & CEO, Niocorp Developments Ltd USA is the last speaker before lunch on 10/18

Constantine Karayannopoulos, President & CEO, Neo Performance Materials, Canada is the first speaker on 10/19

Jim Sims is Chief Communications Officer for NioCorp
Jim Sims is Director of Communications Officer for Neo Performance Materials
Jim Sims is Director of Investor and Public Relations for IBC Advanced Alloys
[[ ]]

I believe that Neo's REE refining/separation plant in Estonia is one of the very few non-Chinese REE refining/separation plant facilities in the world. Between our team's experience in Molycorp and Jim's positions I suspect our team is very aware of the nity-gritty in's and out's of processing REEs.