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Re: nunaka post# 2468

Saturday, 09/03/2022 9:51:48 PM

Saturday, September 03, 2022 9:51:48 PM

Post# of 2470
Just yesterday wondering same. We must wait next for Sproutly Canada, Inc. to settle its Management Cease Trade Order divestiture sales of Toronto Herbal Remedies and Sproutly, Inc. that owns the Toronto Herbal Remedies shares. Who is buying?, I'd like to know. Is it Sen and/or his friends or associates such that there could be a conflict of interest with appearance that Sen is running down Sproulty Canada to then purchase its subsidiary assets?

Disappointing to have Toronto Herbal Remedies divested from Sproutly Canada, Inc. that with loss of Toronto Herbal Remedies Sproutly Canada, Inc. loses its Canadian research license.


Sproutly Provides Update Regarding Management Cease Trade Order

Sproutly on June 29th, 2022 entered into court appointed Management Cease Trade Order to divest its ownership of Toronto Herbal Remedies and Sproutly, Inc. that owns the Toronto Herbal Remedies shares.

The Sproutly Canada, Inc. Cease Trade Order was reported by Sproutly as expected to be completed by August 28th, 2022, where also Sproutly Canada Inc.'s audited annual financial report filing for the year ending Feb. 28th, 2022 is about to be released.

Yes, it's Sept 3rd, and again Sen and company are late.

Announcements are expected soon.

Sen previously had Sproutly Canada, Inc. purchase Cannahive, but Sproutly became over extended, thus now selling THR and Sproutly, inc. Seems Sen is not a great business manager. I hope Sproutly operations (Cannahive in particular) are not negatively impacted by Sen other Sproutly lack of management.

Sproutly Canada, Inc. still has its Canadian sales license, its very unique APP technology that by patented extraction methodology creates edibles and beverages with whole flower quick onset, reliable timed MJ experience, has CannaHive and its state of the art high frequency efficient cost-lowering CannaHive production, packaging, and marketing technology and knowhow, and has aligned and deepened working relationship for design manufacture and production of MJ beverages with Kingston Cannabis and Kingston Aluminum (canned MJ beverages).

Sproutly Canada, Inc. will become seller, licenser, packer, distributor of edibles, beverages, and licensed technology, to streamline into singular product/marketing/sales/licensing focused company. Research will no longer be within Sproutly's business model.

I wonder if Sen and Sproutly Canada, Inc. will still partner and align with Toronto Herbal Remedies, that to me always seemed to be close to Sen's essence of approach, innovation, and outlook.

Sen releasing Toronto Herbal Remedies (if not in fact being purchased from Sproutly Canada by Arup Sen) seems may be his sobering and business maturing . Sproutly will be better streamlined.

The sales of Toronto Herbal Remedies and Sproutly, Inc. will improve Sproutly Canada, Inc.'s financials, and likely increase the company's value and value proposition by its efficiencies..

I'm hopeful though wonder if Sen has the moxy and focus to move Sproutly to real production and significant Sproutly presence in the various global MJ marketplaces.

I am excited to see developments with Cannahive technology along with APP technology, and Sproutly and Kingston's beverage releases and sales.

My sense Sen has also been waiting for general and overall broader market acceptance of marijuana, especially in the United States, but then I also wonder what outlook and plans, if any, Sen and Sproutly mngt see, expect, and anticipate specific for Sproutly in the U.S. marketplace. It will happen here in the U.S. (marijuana legalization), but when already?

I often think Sen has the dreams, and understands the interconnections of the MJ movement, but in practice is then another matter. He may be realizing he actually cannot just wait for the perfect timing, but that (better and actual) movement of action is needed in the here and now in order to realize his envissioned outcomes.

I think $SRUTF is very very inexpensive right now. Very beat-up down trodden stock. It looks like a solid bottoming is occurring now. The company has many ducks in a row, pending its action and its substantial actualization in and into the marketplace.

$SRUTF = a buy


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