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Alias Born 05/17/2005

Re: None

Tuesday, 08/16/2022 4:43:19 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 4:43:19 PM

Post# of 306
Mgt should either shit or get off the pot. As for the last 3 years I seem to have had about as much to do with running the company as they did and I haven't done a damn thing.

Pisses me off to no end that I invested over $60K about the same time the CEO invested (loaned) the company $95K or so per the quarterly report and I paid 10 cents per share and he got them for 7 cents + 18% dividend on his investment.

No wonder they have not been overly eager to move the company forward, they slowly bleed it dry and then take it over for next to nothing and then follow up on the offers that have been brought to them, which I have heard happened but have no proof as to that matter.

We know we have the goods. We know we are in deep crap as to financing and as a result should a good offer come it will take away most of the company but if it allows the current investors to at least get their investment back and possibiy even make a little then they should be chasing after whatever is brought to the table.

Of course, when you are making 18% on your money who gives a damn, right?

I'd have to classify me as a hostile investor at the current time with the hope that I can vote on throwing out the entire management and BOD team.
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