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Alias Born 02/01/2013

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Saturday, 07/09/2022 8:12:56 AM

Saturday, July 09, 2022 8:12:56 AM

Post# of 1307
Bottom line: GVSI and WNFT have unresolved shares (no matter what way Sharp tries to get GVSI current) and we all just saw what that did to WNFT).

Sharp is stringing people along by saying that WNFT will try to get current through OTC Markets, even though he tried doing that last year and failed. That's especially worrisome since getting current via the SEC is no longer an option because that attempt also failed miserably.

Sharp is stringing GVSI investors along just like he did with WNFT's "promised land" tweet. We all saw what happened there because of the unresolved shares.


George Sharp
Our attorneys & auditors have concluded that it is impossible to audit $GVSI due to past corporate mismanagement of records/actions. Therefore, we are abandoning efforts to become an SEC reporter & are preparing an application for OTCIQ access to be filed with OTCM within 60 days
Jun 30, 2022·Twitter Web App

George Sharp
$GOFF $SRNW $GVSI update (kind of). I hate posting this, but I got to get y'all off my back. Fins for these tickers are ready. Waiting for access to OTCIQ portal. Spoke with Issuer Serv's at OTCM & they are piled on. Entire army working on apps & expect 4-6 weeks from submission
Jul 26, 2021·Twitter Web App

Access to OTCIQ portal for GVSI never happened. So GVSI can't get current via OTC Markets (from the evidence of last year) AND through the SEC (this year).
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