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Alias Born 08/04/2018

Re: asus2 post# 27138

Wednesday, 07/06/2022 4:00:41 AM

Wednesday, July 06, 2022 4:00:41 AM

Post# of 27174
You know, $100 can get you 1 million shares.. it's NOT like you are investing several 100's to several 100's of dollars in investing into WDHR..

UNLESS, of course you invested 100's of thousands of dollars BUT even so... Cannabis is still technically on a federal level is still illegal... NOW!! A FEW states YES!!! cannabis is legal for medicinal and recreational use...

How's this?? If you can try to wait till cannabis is legal on a federal level & DO NOT INVEST ANYMORE... THATS what I am doing... If the company goes under, tax write-off PLUS you didn't lose that much..

This is harsh but when you make an investment in ANY company there is a certain amount of risk, & in "PINK SHEETS" OR "PENNY STOCKS" there's even more risks... HOWEVER, with risk they could potentially be rewarding... VERY REWARDING...

It's sad that so many many people.. they want to risk $100 & have 100 million dollars in a few shorts days weeks months or within a year or 2... CAN IT HAPPEN???? YES!!! but NOT likely...

I wish that sleepy Joe, would find out where's he at??? Real soon & legalize cannabis on a federal level OR REGULATE cannabis... Then of course tax it to death.. LOL