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Alias Born 03/05/2014

Re: None

Tuesday, 06/28/2022 8:30:13 PM

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 8:30:13 PM

Post# of 3193
Gabby_Boric in_Arica begging_Peru to_get tough_on letting_migrants cross into Chile
unchecked undeserving unfettered

Dear mommy's boy Gabby Boric, sit down. It is time to have a "birds and the bees" factual discussion with you. First off, that sombrero (to make himself look taller) wearing pipsqueak commie President of Peru Pedro Castillo is more concerned with keeping his ass in power right now and not getting impeached for total focking incompetence while playing children's dress-up cowboy when he should be running the government like an adult. YOUR problem with Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Cubans, Iranians, nasty criminals and mercenaries crossing the border at Arica into Chile don't mean shit to him especially now that Vladimir Putin will be moving into Bolivia this December and he knows which side of the bread is going to be smothered in luscious tasty Russian butter just for him... if you know what I mean.

Secondly, once the Russians retake the Red Corridor for Bolivia using all those Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Cuban, Iranian, and mercenary "sleepers" being pumped into Chile across the the border via Peru now as embedded commandos/saboteurs working for Bolivia/Russia your new line of defense to stop uncontrolled migration is going to be along the southern edge of the Red Corridor and not bumfuck Arica on the Chilean/Peruvian border. You need to understand that you are going to lose the northern 1/8 of land mass in Chile once Russia (esp Putin) gets in bed with Bolivia (esp Evo Morales) to mine all their lithium... that is a given.

Instead of wasting your time in Arica today you should be busting your ass to get gringo Whitey involved in buying your unexploited mines ASAP and taking a stake in Chile so gringo Whitey (and gringo Whitey's governments) will have a legitimate/financial reason for stepping in to defend Chile in 2023 from a take over by Russia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Iran.

Wake up Gabby before you lose everything.

The Doctor