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Alias Born 09/05/2002

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Tuesday, 11/04/2003 6:54:32 PM

Tuesday, November 04, 2003 6:54:32 PM

Post# of 704019
ok does anyone know what this is?

Outlawed for 41 years -
Now LEGAL Again

This Investment Launched the Largest Family Fortune the World has Ever Seen...

...And Could Return 665% in the Next 12 Months

Dear Investor,

One investment--which most Americans know almost nothing about--is the secret behind some of the world's richest families.

I'm going to show you how to take advantage of it personally... and very soon. With amazing results.

We call this investment the 'secret currency' because it is beyond the reach of any government or corporation. And because many of the world's wealthiest families have used it for generations to grow dynasties.

Let me show you just one example...

Mayer Amschel Rothschild used his knowledge of this investment to launch the largest family fortune the world has ever seen.

Mayer was born in Germany in the middle of the 18th century, and was raised in Frankfurt's ghetto, where the average house held 15 people.

When the boy was 11, a smallpox epidemic swept through the ghetto. It killed both of his parents.

This tragedy set up young Mayer to learn the greatest secret of his life. He was sent to nearby Hanover for a banking apprenticeship. There, he entered the homes of Germany's wealthy and powerful men: Princes, Grand Dukes, and Archbishops. And, listening carefully, he learned about the secret money of the very rich--the currency of the world's controlling elite.

When Rothschild grew up and returned to Frankfurt, the area's wealthiest families (including the Duke of Weimer and Prince William of Hesse-Kassel) hired him for his rare financial expertise.

In return, Rothschild helped the wealthy grow their fortunes. Thanks to his knowledge, he became the most powerful man in the city. How to Build A $200 Million Empire

Even before Bruce McNall began graduate studies in ancient history at the University of California at Los Angeles, he and a friend were earning up to $300,000 a year by investing in the secret currency in their spare time, according to Time.

McNall ultimately built a $200 million empire. It included a $50 million business, a thoroughbred racing stable of 150 horses (worth $40 million), and several pro sports teams.

Rothschild married and had ten children--five sons and five daughters. In time, the sons were sent to Europe's major financial centers (London, Paris, Vienna, Frankfurt and Naples) to open banking businesses similar to their father's. Their network and knowledge of the secret currency helped.

In a matter of years, the Rothschilds
became the wealthiest family in the world...

In fact, even today's biggest international banking conglomerates are not as powerful as the Rothschild's were in their heyday (the 1800s and early 1900s). And no family today (not even Bill Gates or the Saudi Royals) owns as large a share of the world's wealth as the Rothschild boys owned back then.

Over the years, the Rothschild family built eight of Europe's grandest estates. Mayer's son James, for example, built a French mansion big enough to house dozens of guests, 100 servants, and stables for 80 horses.

The walls were covered with paintings by the Old Masters: Van Eyck, Rubens, Velazquez, and Rembrandt. The house had marble busts and gold-plated ceilings... even an underground railway that sent hot food from the separately housed kitchen to the dining room.

The Rothschilds could buy anything they wanted: An Investment that Earned 91,300%

Walter H. Childes grew up in Vermont and was one of the early investors in Bell Telephone, in the late 1800s. In 1945, he made a $5,000 investment in the secret currency of the world's wealthiest people.

This single investment, according to Barron's, went up 91,300% over the next 54 years

They hired the best musicians in the world (such as Chopin, Liszt, and Paganni) to play at their parties. They hired Europe's best chefs to cook in their kitchens.
When one of the Rothschild boys found a favorite Bordeaux wine, he didn't stock up on several cases. Instead, he bought the whole Chateau Lafite vineyard.
The family built hospitals, orphanages and schools.
They financed giant projects of the day, like Austria's first railroad and the Crimean War. They even bought shares of the Suez Canal for Britain.
And it all started with a secret currency -- a form of money prized for its safety, anonymity, and profit potential.

It's the exact same investment I'm going to show you how to capitalize on in this letter.

Like Gold... Only Better How to Build a $4 Million Portfolio

Sid and Alicia Belzberg made their money as entrepreneurs in Toronto.

They put a large portion of their money into the secret currency, and built a $4 million portfolio with it alone, according to a December 2, 2002 newspaper report in Toronto's Windsor Star.

Without giving away the secret, I can tell you the secret currency is--as you might suspect--a form of gold.

But it's not your typical gold investment.

It has nothing to do with mining stocks, mutual funds, options, futures, or bullion. Instead, this is a kind of currency used for centuries by the richest families to profit on financial windfalls created by governments around the world. This secret currency is not old-fashioned or obsolete. In fact, look through the rolls of the 'Forbes 400'--the 400 richest Americans--and you find dozens of families using this investment to both grow and safeguard their wealth. (I'll show you some specific examples in a moment.)

This investment is like gold, only better--with the potential for much higher returns.

In fact, look at some of the wealthiest families in the world who capitalized on the secret currency after the Rothschilds... How Stephen Fenton made 3,354%

A British investor named Stephen Fenton made a single investment in the secret currency in 1995. It gave him 3,354% profits by 2002, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The Garretts of Baltimore built the first railroad in America. And they also built a $25 million portfolio with the secret currency alone, in the early 1900s.
The Brand family made their money brewing beer in Chicago. They put a lot of their profits into this secret currency. It grew to a portfolio worth more than $10 million.
JP Morgan used this investment vehicle too. He was one of the richest men in the world in the early 1900s--having helped start the United States Steel Corporation, International Harvester, AT&T, and General Electric. The secret currency was one of his favorite investments.
But you and I almost never got the chance to take advantage of this investment. Why? Josiah K. Lilly's $50 Million Portfolio

You may recognize the Lilly name. Josiah Lilly was President and Chairman of the $75 billion Lilly Pharmaceutical Company.

He earned more than a 25-times return using the secret currency in his portfolio, according to Stack's, a brokerage firm in New York. Stacks valued Lilly's portfolio to ultimately be worth more than $50 million.

Because when the U.S. government saw how good it was at creating wealth for the country's richest people, President Franklin Roosevelt outlawed it in many of its forms on March 9th, 1933.

Americans who failed to turn over their investments faced...

1) a 10-year jail term

2) a $10,000 fine

3) plus a penalty of twice their investment's value

This ban lasted 41 years. Americans were not allowed to invest in the secret currency again until December 31st, 1974, when President Ford finally re-legalized it.

Since then, it has been making the rich even richer...

From 1972 to 1974, this investment rose 348%, according to an index that keeps track of its market as a whole. At the same time, stocks dropped 34% according to the S&P 500 Stock market index.
From 1976 to 1980, while the stock market plummeted 35% according to the S&P 500 Index, the investment I want to tell you about realized 1,195% profits
Then, more recently, between 1987 and 1989, investors who took advantage of the secret currency saw profits of 665%. Stocks, meanwhile, went on a roller coaster ride--up and down dozens of times (sound familiar?) during this period.
The last time the Salomon Brothers brokerage firm included this vehicle in its annual investment survey, the secret currency ranked #1 over the prior 20 year-span, with an annual return of 17.3%. In other words, it was the single most profitable thing you could do with your money.

It beat stocks, bonds, gold, silver, artwork, diamonds, U.S. Treasury bills, real estate, and oil, according to an article in the Chicago Tribune.

I can understand why you may believe I'm exaggerating the power of this secret currency to safeguard and grow your wealth.

After all, you may have never heard of it before. Most investors haven't. But the truth is, you can use the secret currency to make as much money as you want. The problem is, no one else is likely to tell you about it. Why should they?

Today the world's richest families still keep this secret currency at the heart of their financial plan. You'll certainly recognize some of these people who have used it over the years...

The Onassis family (Greek shipping magnate Aristotle, married Jackie Kennedy after JFK died)

The Hunt family of Texas (H.L. Hunt made his billions as an oil wildcatter)

The DuPonts (whose descendants today run the 2nd biggest chemical company in the United States)

The Morgans (JP was one of the richest railroad men of the last 100 years)

The Adams family (famous for producing two U.S. Presidents)

The Hopkins family (Johns gave money to build the university and the world-famous hospital which both bear his name in Baltimore)

The Green family (Hetty Green was once the wealthiest person in the world--wealthier than Bill Gates today),

The Royal Farouk family (which produced the last two Kings of Egypt)

If this investment is good enough for these folks--the Rothschilds, DuPonts, Morgans, Adams, Hunts, etc.--it's good enough for you and me.

I want to show you how to make as much money as these folks--at least on a percentage basis.

You don't have to be wealthy or famous.

In fact, I'll show you how to capitalize on the secret currency very soon with as little as a few hundred dollars.

I believe you could double your money in the next six months with this investment. A 5-times or 10-times return wouldn't be surprising. The last time the conditions were even close to this good (in 1987), investors made 665% profits. Of course, nothing in the investment world can be guaranteed, but we believe the secret currency is the single best investment in the world right now. Who is Dr. Steve Sjuggerud?

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud knows more about the world of investing than anyone I've ever met.

He's got an incredible amount of experience, in both the academic world and the real world of institutional investing...

Academic World
Most people don't know that Dr. Sjuggerud started college at age 16. With degrees in Finance and Economics, he went on to get an MBA by age 22, and soon after received his PhD in Finance.

Real World
In the real world of the investing business, Dr. Sjuggerud was working full-time as a stockbroker by age 21, for a firm called International Assets. A few years later, he was running a $50 million global mutual fund for the same company. Dr. Sjuggerud also ran his own international hedge fund for high-net-worth individuals, and served as the Investment Director of one of the largest and must successful private investment clubs in the world.

Global Experience
During his work, Dr. Sjuggerud has traveled to more than 30 countries around the world to investigate investment opportunities and to meet with central bankers. Places such as Ecuador, Iceland, Singapore, Argentina, China, the Czech Republic, Indonesia, Belize, Hong Kong, and Hungary.

He's been asked to speak on investment subjects in places such as Ireland, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Hawaii, and Mexico. And at some of the most important investment conferences here in the United States, including the New Orleans Investment Conference, and The International Institute of Trading Mastery.

Today, in addition to running his own financial advisory service called True Wealth, Dr. Sjuggerud serves as President of Investment University, an educational program with more than 50,000 students.

You may have seen Dr. Sjuggerud's work in some of the most prestigious financial journals, including The Wall Street Journal and Barron's.

I trust very few people when it comes to my money. I trust Dr. Sjuggerud, and I think you will learn as much from him as I have.

How to Make Money No Matter What Happens in the Stock Market

Most investors continue to focus on stocks, bonds, and real estate. And that's why most investors are going to miss out on these profits entirely.

The problem is, because it was outlawed for so long, most investors simply don't understand how the secret currency works. Or how easy it is to take advantage of.

I learned about this investment recently from the most knowledgeable analyst I've ever known. His name is Dr. Steve Sjuggerud (pronounced sugar-rude).

I can show you exactly how to take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity, with Dr. Sjuggerud's help.

You see, I am the Director of a group called Pirate Investor. I employ 6 independent investment analysts--Dr. Sjuggerud is one of them--who help me and about 50,000 other individual investors worldwide. I can say without hesitation that no one I've ever met knows more about money--how to make it, keep it and protect it--than Dr. Sjuggerud.

Dr. Sjuggerud has outperformed every other advisor I know, and by a wide margin, over the past few years. He has done so well, in such horrible market conditions, that I follow his recommendations with my own money. So do many other people who work for me... so do Dr. Sjuggerud's own parents... and even his in-laws.

Dr. Sjuggerud has a proven record for finding giant profits, even while most investors were losing a fortune. For example...

On January 14 of last year, Dr. Sjuggerud recommended an investment to members of his trading service on a retail business with operations in all 50 states, plus Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In 7 days, traders who followed Dr. Sjuggerud's advice made 300% profits.

On January 16th, Dr. Sjuggerud recommended a trade in one of the biggest electronics firms in the world. 19 days later, his recommendation realized a profit of 341%.

On April 23rd, Dr. Sjuggerud recommended a trade on one of America's most important telephone and Internet service companies. In 22 days investors who took his advice made 111% profits.

Do all of Dr. Sjuggerud's recommendations make this much money? Of course not. But of the 23 investments in Dr. Sjuggerud's portfolio right now, 22 of them have made very good money (See the upcoming sidebar for more details). If you can find someone who can do better than this, and is as conservative as Steve, I encourage you to take their advice immediately. And let me know about it too.

Dr. Sjuggerud believes, for the first time in his career, that now is the time to buy the secret currency of the world's wealthiest people. It is his top recommendation at the moment. And it could very well be his most profitable recommendation ever.

This secret currency gives you a way to invest in gold--only it's better than gold. With this investment, we have a scenario Dr. Sjuggerud has repeated over and over again in the past few years...

1) Hardly anyone is paying attention to this investment--yet. Few people even know it exists--even fewer know how to capitalize on it. This gives us a window of opportunity of about 3 months, before others catch on.

2) You can buy it at an incredibly good price. Even better, Dr. Sjuggerud has found a way to take advantage of this investment at a 30% discount. This means you could buy today and sell tomorrow--and pocket as much as a 30% gain.

3) In the next six months, this investment will likely skyrocket in value. Dr. Sjuggerud says it's possible for it to gain 655% or more--just like what happened in the late 1980s. 'If I Had Done This at the Beginning...'

'I started this year with only 40% of my retirement funds allocated to Steve's recommendations. My total 401K returns are up this year, and all of that is from the gains in that 40% portion.

Needless to say, I have in the last month moved ALL of my 401K money to Steve's picks. This should boost my total returns and allow me to think about other things instead of wondering what to invest in next! If I had done this at the beginning of the year, my returns would have been up almost 50%. Thanks Dr. Sjuggerud!' - Jim Frederick, Burbank, CA

Dr. Sjuggerud has put all of his research and recommendations into a Research Report called The Secret Currency--How the World's Wealthiest Families Make Money Even When Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate Lose Value. Here you'll find the full details on this investment vehicle: What it is, what kind of return it's had in recent years, who to call and what to say to buy it at a 30% discount, and more.

What would you expect to pay for research that consistently makes subscribers solid profits--and that could make you 665% in just a year or less?

Well, Dr. Sjuggerud earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for advice like this--and for good reason.

He's been a highly paid hedge fund manager, Vice President of an international mutual fund, a stockbroker, and director of several of the world's best equity research organizations., his time and research do not come cheap.

But, if you'll join us for a trial subscription to Dr. Sjuggerud's investment newsletter--called True Wealth--you can get his report on the secret currency, absolutely free.

I realize the secret currency sounds like an unconventional investment. It is. It may or may not be for you. I can't say for sure because I don't know anything about your situation.

That's why--even though the secret currency is one of the safest, most profitable, and easiest investments you can make right now--I want to make sure you are completely comfortable with it. 'Dr. Steve's recommendations rebuilt my 401K.'
- Jim Sturgill, San Diego, CA

Over the past 2 years, Dr. Sjuggerud has helped thousands of people not only avoid losing money, but actually make very good profits, even during the worst bear markets. Here's what a few of these folks have told us recently about following Dr. Sjuggerud's advice...

'More Money Than All the Others...'
'True Wealth has made me more money than all the other newsletters I have subscribed to. I have also recommended it to one of my colleagues, who really likes it. A very loyal long-term subscriber...'
- Dr. Roger Simms, Milwaukee, WI

'I Just Want It Noted...'
'I just want it noted, that I participate in upwards of 10 financial newsletters, for over 10 years and counting. Steve rates at the TOP. Steve is bright, humble, timely, incisive, and I rip the pages open when his newsletter pops up on my email, as I can't wait to see what advice he sends monthly. Steve is one of the best, and anyone not using him, is following the wrong advice.'
- Gregory Weber,
Boston, MA

'How Come it Took So Long?...'
'I'm afraid, I'm getting 'hooked' on Steve's reports and can't wait for the next one. How come it took me so long to discover True Wealth?'
- Dr. Gary Smaldore, MD, Richmond, VA

'My Favorite...'
'Mr. Sjuggerud's recommendations make up most of my portfolio. In short, Mr. Sjuggerud is my favorite of about 9 or 10 investment advisors I read.'
- Michael Patrick Lipman, Flagstaff, AZ

Here's what I mean...

Give Dr. Sjuggerud's True Wealth advisory a try today and I'll send you his full report on the secret currency. If you don't like the sound of it, fine. No problem. Let me know and I'll send you your money back... all of it. Keep the research you've received.
Then, if you decide to invest in the secret currency, see how it goes over the next 6 months. That will be plenty of time for you to see how profitable and safe it can be. If it does not work just as I've described here, and as Dr. Sjuggerud details in the research you'll receive, you can still get back every penny you paid for Dr. Sjuggerud's research.
At the same time, you'll also be receiving True Wealth, Dr. Sjuggerud's monthly research reports on the world's safest and most profitable investment opportunities. You'll receive at least 12 recommendations over the course of the next year.

And let me show you something else you'll get with your subscription to True Wealth...

The Only 2 Stocks Worth
Buying on the NYSE

For the past three years, Dr. Sjuggerud has been telling investors to stay out of the stock market entirely.

He's helped readers make great money in real estate investment trusts (69%), corporate bonds (48%), and even super-safe government bonds (46%)--while most investors lost a fortune.

But today, Dr. Sjuggerud believes there is a 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity in 2 regular stocks--both of which are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

While the rest of the economy is slumping, these companies, which do the exact same thing in the exact same industry...

Have each paid investors 320%+ profits since the bear market began in March of 2000
Have both already locked up their next 8 months worth of business--demand is that high!
Are buying back more than $4 million shares of their own stock on the open market.
It's a simple business

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