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Alias Born 03/20/2019

Re: snowfinder post# 19842

Tuesday, 05/24/2022 1:40:33 PM

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 1:40:33 PM

Post# of 22739
Yeah, I know. I'm the bad guy.

VNUE over the past 3 years has produced nothing! It has created nothing! Every promise that has been proposed has not come to fruition. 450 units, Radio Sndstr contracts, roll out, OTCQB, Nasdaq, funding, promises, promises, promises. Nothing nothing nothing.

Now even the Q's show the lies. Still people defend.

The stock has diluted and the price has fallen from 4 cents to half a cent. People have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

But people still fall for it. Marathon. Yup.......

But I'm the bad guy. Gotcha. Am I making 170,000 dollars to fool investors and fleece them?

They say you can't rape the willing. Why are so many people willing to be raped?

A Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb arguing what's for dinner. In a Constitutional Republic the lamb is armed. We live in a Constitutional Republic.

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