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Alias Born 03/07/2014

Re: Midwestrader post# 57373

Tuesday, 05/17/2022 9:17:48 AM

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 9:17:48 AM

Post# of 70343

DAYS before this MASSIVE LOSS and GUTTER NOTE WORTHLESS "FILING" - which because NO QUALIFIED CPA FIRM PREPARED IT - requires a ATTORNEY LTR also, and it was filed LATE to boot -

Days prior - Matty boy aka THE PUNK aka THE KID aka THE MOORE MORES AKA SERIAL GRIFTER OTC CON CLAN told MASSIVE LIES on a pay-to-promote gutter fake "show" -

Matty said in plain English (committed straight-up stock fraud) of , "AND WE ACQUIRED A COMPANY DOING $25 MILLION to $28 MILLION in revenues" blah blah = FRAUD !!!

Days later he files the dog shit bust of a filing posted late after hours last night - and it's ALL LIES from everything he pumped on Bazinga - stock fraud !!

NOWHERE does anything exist to prove or substantiate that bald faced PUMP THE DOG CRAP OTC SCAM LIES - nowhere !!!

Matty aka THE PUNK 100% "knew full well" he was about to release another dog crap LOSS and DILUTION and ALMOST NO SALES report - and is CASH BUSTED BROKE - so what does the ass clown PUNK KID do ????

HE PAYS Benzinga-a-con aka THE PUMP n FRAUD PROMOTIONAL CHANNEL (just as he STILL pays the idiot investor relation and pump company $6K to $10K per month as INNER-SCAM is BROKE and he now pays additional monthly leases of another $10K or so for TWO WORTHLESS buy-outs bleeding this POS scam dryer than the sack of dead bones it already was) -

He puts it IN LYING PLAIN ENGLISH - "We bought a company doing $25 to $28 MILLION IN SALES" = pure gutter fraud - as DAYS LATER he posts a lousy $1.5 million annual top-line rate (of which they bank a shitty $650K TOTAL annual if lucky on their best day - which does not even cover salaries and now blown-up rents from buying stupid worthless busted broke un-companies !!) pumps out a BIG LIE of fantasy "$25 mil revenues we did in a buy-out" only to post the bad reality FACTS OF MASSIVE LOSSES and a DECLINE IN SALES from the prior Qtr already epic shitty sales numbers LMAO !!!!

1:05 mark of that criminal PUMP FRAUD PAY-to-PROMOTE SCAM VIDEO - Matty aka THE PUNK does what is known to all OTC con-jobs as "FLOATING THE BULLSHIT" aka he "PUTS IT OUT THERE 100% FAKE INFO" to bait the penny marks and dumbshit bagholders and idiots who can't read a balance sheet etc -

Matty aka THE PUNK was using the Bazinga scam n pump channel to TROLL FOR MORE PENNY DUPES to buy his DILUTION SHIT SHARES to fund the Moore More Clan lifestyle - nothing more, nothing less and THAT kids = stock fraud per the Securities Act of 1934 !!!

This scam is sooooo freaking deep in the shit now - it's a pure stock fraud operation and Moore crime clan self enrichment con and nothing more Moore !!

HOW BOUT THEM AUDITED FINANCIALS....Bwaaaaa ha ha ha - NOT EVEN A CPA FIRM LISTED - this dog crap scam filing was ALL Momma Moore More baked aka THE EASY BAKE OVEN LADY trash filing !!

How bout that OTC-QB IS IMMINENT ???

How bout the lie of "WE WILL BE SHIPPING OVER 100 KIOSKS and 15 or 20 PER DAY" - and that was nearly 2 months ago and NEVER happened = fraud !!

How bout the JOINT PR or BJ WHOLESALE - the early 2021 P&D crime scene pump lies from the Moore More crime clan ???

The list is 100's of items deep of PURE GUTTER LIES by Matty boy aka THE PUNK who is nothing but the rambling stuttering idiot spokeshole for Daddy Mark Moore More aka THE PERP - the Don who runs this entire sham show crime pit scene - it's all DADDY the perp behind the scenes boys n girls...

MATTY LIED THIS WEEK on the Bazinga pay-to-pump fraud channel and he LIED BIGLY = stock fraud !! To even "try" and claim "$25 to $28 MILLION IN REVENUES" - and then report this F-ing train wreck shit show filing is straight-up gutter crime, white collar style !!

Matty "floats the lies" and then his crew and team PROPAGATE THEM ACROSS ALL OTC GUTTER SOCIAL MEDIA PUMP n PROMOTE CHANNELS and SITES = stock fraud PER THE SEC !!!

Matty pays an entire PUMP CREW including CLOWN KING and several ass clowns on The Twit etc to parrot and repeat LIES from Bazinga pay promotions etc - it's textbook OTC gutter fraud !

INNER-SCAM IS 100% BK BY ALL GENERALLY ACCEPTED STANDARDS - DILUTION IS THEIR ONLY SOLUTION and they are habitually lying and committing stock fraud and illegal "promotion" as defined by the SEC and OTC - they need to be slapped CAVEAT EMPTOR ASAP and sent packing to the GRAY SHEETS !!

A present $25 MILLION MARKET CAP on this STILL P&D overvalued hype driven con n fraud = AT LEAST still over-valued by 80% or more !!!

This FRAUD needs to LOSE another 80% AT LEAST of their P&D pay-to-pump hyped up market cap to approach ANYTHING close to "FAIR VALUE" = .

0035 X .20 = .0007 AT MOST for this money losing share printing mill scam MAX PRICE !!

Posts contain only my amateur opinions, personal views and thoughts. I discuss stocks as a hobby only. Always do one's own due diligence before investing.