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Alias Born 06/21/2006

Re: wEaReLeGiOn post# 192511

Friday, 05/06/2022 1:27:37 PM

Friday, May 06, 2022 1:27:37 PM

Post# of 192568
Why would legitimate people along with their company try to organize a completely different company knowing they are attempting to erect their legitimacy on the ashes of one of the worst pennystock scams known to the world?

If one finds that their excuses outweigh the fraud, are not excellent at excuses ?

This company I'd legit, and properly funded, could embark upon going public through the age-old method of an IPO (Introductory price offering) or they could do what a myriad of other companies do, and reverse merge into a "clean shell" (look it up) but NO.. they'll RM into one of the dirtiest shells available on the ILLUSTRIOUS Grey Market.

Please, this is enough to make a cat laugh, and anecdotally raise a field of red flags

A bunch of old shareholders snorting hopeium to their peril.
