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Alias Born 02/08/2008

Re: None

Saturday, 03/26/2022 4:50:06 PM

Saturday, March 26, 2022 4:50:06 PM

Post# of 9966
Stock Market 101: How to make mucho big money in stocks.

#1 First and foremost hire the best Wordsmith money can buy. DO NOT be cheap!

#2 Present investors with subtle faraway investment opportunities. DO NOT list any business in the United States or Canada. An investor might try to investigate and drive to the location.

#3 Hire associates within your peer group..Sociopaths. A good investment is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). This will weed out the wannabe sociopaths and save you some headaches.

#4 Hire a very smart Corporate attorney that is about to graduate from law school. Make sure he is very smart and VERY naïve. Once he gets your company setup and trading he has done his part. Then push him to do shells, shells, shells.

#5 Remember the Golden Rule: Pump and Split and Never Quit.

Good luck!
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