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Alias Born 10/26/2011

Re: MagixSprite post# 2527

Thursday, 03/17/2022 7:10:11 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2022 7:10:11 PM

Post# of 3100
Teitelbaum's expertise and experience is in growing brands and creating growth by leveraging online resources. Really, straight forward language has apparently gone out of fashion. Using bla bla language to look smart and vague enough to fool people is obvious and insulting. Real bush-league. What ever, who did Teitelbaum work for, what client was he successful with and for. I'm sure he has something to point to, something to brag about. You know something like when he created a marketing program for EYZ and resulting in XYZ sales. There is no better time for this company to brag only if true. Normally we all find bragging unpleasant but in this case it's pointing out strong points. A good thing.