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Alias Born 12/31/2016

Re: None

Thursday, 02/10/2022 5:59:29 PM

Thursday, February 10, 2022 5:59:29 PM

Post# of 1007
Genworth owns 81% of Enact "ACT", which at $22/share is worth $2.8 Billion...and Genworth stock "GNW" at 4.21/share has a market cap of $2.1 Billion. They have $356 million in cash and look to reduce debt from 1.25 Billion down to $900 Million this year.
Mngt is talking about returning capital to shareholders, and spinning off shares of Enact would be a great way. GNW owns over 131 million shares of ACT,,,,they could issue 1 ACT share for every 4 shares of GNW we own. That would affectively be a 100% return
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