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Alias Born 04/02/2017

Re: None

Tuesday, 02/01/2022 7:12:44 AM

Tuesday, February 01, 2022 7:12:44 AM

Post# of 22523
Interesting to note; Ron Hughes, has 125 million shares that they don't mention in cancellation that should be cancelled or converted to preferred shares. These shares are restricted.

Ron Hughes is a remaining principal from the former management team.

125M + 30M + 23M + 200M

= 436,989,043 OS

AND with a Float of 123M

AND a subsidiary (GenFi) that's making $15M already during Q1-Q3 2021.

AND audited financials underway

AND a capital raise of $15M (not in the form of convertible toxic debentures, so no dilution) for further acquisitions, which have already been identified and being worked on.

AND a new Joint Venture enterprise to start in Q1 2022.

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