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Re: DTCT post# 961

Sunday, 01/30/2022 4:30:53 PM

Sunday, January 30, 2022 4:30:53 PM

Post# of 1091


By David K. Lifschultz

A Stockhouse message board poster says the following:

No fan of Citadel but Griffin evidently knows a good short when he sees one. You have come no where near even spooking professional shorts. Ever.

Actually, the short proves the opposite. The short knows that we have great value. This shorting started when he thought the opposite. Then, we had a mere 250 million behind us for a project from John Thain the CEO of Merrill Lynch in 2008 which Merrill imploded, and D. E. Shaw for 250 million who withdrew because the oil price in 2008 crashed with the stock market. Prior to this a 12 million dollar investment offer came in from Tom McCauley of Northsound Capital whose retained engineers said the technology was the best in the world for upgrading. It was Tom, former Tiger Cub of Julian Robertson, who first alerted us to the naked short at Genoil though we could not see them listed as short on the OTC records. An investor came in and broke the short which Genoil had been 50 cents a share and he started buying at five cents. At 30 cents it started trading huge volumes and rose to $2.00. It was one of the most talked about stocks on Wall Street. The short algorithm kicked in. Millions of shares traded daily. But we never announced the backing for the 250 million dollar project as it was not formalized into a transaction as the markets crashed. This was the time at the 2008 crash that the short began.

Yet, we went to China in 2016 and lined up five billion dollars just an LOI on a 50 billion dollar Aramco transaction which is proven as you see attached and was announced. The intent meant that the Chinese wanted to do the whole 30-50 billion dollar project and still do. The project reached the desk of Mohammed bin Salman recently.

Consortium of Genoil & Beijing Petrochemical Receives US$5 Billion Dollar Bank Letter of Intent for Upgrading Project.|GenOil Inc.

This project is very much alive.

Genoil Signs an Agreement in Saudi Arabia To Build a Super Upgrading Complex and Also Signs Immediate Revenue Generati

Now, the short's despair started in 2016 on the five billion dollar LOI unprecedented in size in the oil industry. I am not including the 700 billion dollar availability proven by the article in the prestigious Asian Times:

Genoil in Discussions with Top Putin Aide for $700 Billion Energy Infrastructure Plan

The references for this 700 billion dollars is given in this article in the Asian Times. Anyone can call Shmal Gannadiy, who is Putin's right hand man in oil and natural gas, to check.

Genoil is one of the greatest companies on Wall Street.

Now what is the short to do? He is short and shorts forward in dear life. He can't let the stock rise which will make his effort to destroy the company lose credibility. Here just last week he shorts nearly a million shares.

Were these borrowed or were they naked, and if naked, we never see the naked covered in the past by follow-up orders. And where is he going to borrow them?

What could the purpose be? To test the market as to who is behind the buying? Or to see if he can demoralize the shareholder base of 630 million plus shares to panic and sell? Yet we did not see any
significant selling ever no matter so what this means the holders of the 630 million shares are solid investors who believe in the company who are not tax selling. That leaves open the question of a test.

Now, let's look at Gamestop. The key backers were Citadel who has mostly been our market maker and Steve Cohen from Conn., USA. Just about every major trade shows short but we never see any covering. Now, Steve Cohen requires any applicant to read Jesse Livermore's book entitled: "How To Trade In Stocks".

The book relates that a fellow comes to Livermore with a hot tip that big buyers are behind such and such a stock. Livermore believes it but sells 10,000 shares short. The stock does not budge. The tipster says what are you dong with my tip? How can I make my commission. Then, he buys 100,000 shares. He explains that he was testing the market. If it budged, the bidder was not there. Now every trader that comes to work for Steve Cohen has to read this book and more than likely at Citadel.

Thus, Genoil is shorted to see what is behind the buying. It is not being shorted because the short thinks nothing is there. The short is not stupid. He can read the above press releases. And they can easily be checked out.

The problem of the short seller is he is trapped. He cannot hope that Genoil will go bankrupt as it does not have any non-related party debt. The usual pink sheet short seller sells the stock down to nothing where most startups as Tesla are heavily in debt and Tesla of Musk was about to go bankrupt unless he came up with his last 60 million dollars from Paypal profits which he created which was his base for his livelihood. Musk threw it into the pot to draw in another 200 million dollars to stave off bankruptcy. The rest is history.

When the German Panzer Armies were at the gates of Moscow everyone thought Russia was finished but on the contrary it was Germany that was finished. The fact Genoil stock price has retreated does not mean it is over as it has behind them China who has today the greatest economy in the world as Russia had the greatest productive power in the world of the US behind them when it produced 75% of the world's cars. You need only read the press releases to see that.

Largest economies in the world by PPP GDP in 2021
Here are references for Genoil management.

The Lifschultz companies were started in 1899 led in succession by David B. Lifschultz, Sidney B. Lifschultz, and David K. Lifschultz that has controlled the following companies:

Trans-Air Freight Systems was a failing company controlled by Ted Arison later of Carnival Lines. David Lifschultz and his father turned it around and then acquired Air-Land which was a failing air freight forwarder owned by Delmonte that they turned around later selling the combined companies to Air Express which merged with Deutsche Post at a great profit. Air Express shares soared and the Lifschultz Family sold its shares at a huge profit. It eventually became Deutsch Post.

Air Express International Corp & Trans Air Freight System In SEC Registration

Lifschultz Industries was an 1899 company which owned Lifschultz Fast Freight and acquired a public company Hart Scientific which had collapsed in price and was losing money. It was a reverse acquisition so the company retained its public company and Nasdaq listing. David K. Lifschultz supervised this acquisition as the CEO of Lifschultz Fast Freight and turned it around renamed Lifschultz Industries. It was sold to Danaher after selling the transportation company Lifschultz Fast Freight and replacing it with Hart Technology that was losing money and was completely reorganized to become a dynamic growing technology company. They partnered with Donald Trump. Danaher executives said this was one of their finest acquisitions. It was extraordinarily well run. magazine-dkl-donald-j-trump/

Danaher Corporation Completes Tender Offer for Lifschultz Industries, Inc.

Then, the Lifschultz Family took control of Genoil and funded it with approximately 9 million dollars of loans at this date as well as purchasing enough shares to control it. It has over 6,000 shareholders and about 630 million shares. The upgrading technology that it controls is the best in the world.

Genoil had successful GHU tests with Lukoil, ConocoPhillips, Silver Eagle just to name a few and these were
press released. It also had a successful test of the upgrading technology for meeting IMO reduced sulfur for
bunker fuel.

Bunkerspot, Lloyds Register Provides Independent Verification for Genoil’s GHU Process|GenOil Inc.

Here are a list of recent review:

Genoil, Inc. is a Lifschultz family controlled public company and is our largest venture where 90 million dollars has been invested largely by the Lifschultz Family. The technology that it controls converts heavy oil to light oil. 70% of world reserves are heavy. Genoil's goal was to create enough units to produce 22 million barrels a day as a reserve insurance policy against the closing of the Straits of Hormuz. See our study in footnote 1, where the cutting off of the 22 million barrels a day would trigger the implosion of the 2.5 quadrillion derivative market crashing the world financial system. Our proposal to Samuel Bodman then Secretary of Energy fascinated him, and thought it was a brilliant idea but EXXON shot it down.

EXXON had blocked our technology with all majors as the inundation of the world oil supply with excess light oil from our process converting heavy oil which is 70% of world reserves in the ground would drive down their valuation of light oil reserves on their balance sheet. So all major oil companies boycotted us as Fred Koch was boycotted in the 1930s for his refining technology. He went to Russia which gave him his start handled personally by Joseph Stalin, and we went to China who backs us inspired by Fred Koch. This situation was confirmed to us by Gianluigi Longinotti-Buitoni then president of Ferrari in a conversation with the Board Member of EXXON Lucio Notto.

What then happened was that every stock transaction started showing naked shorting as at Gamestop which is interpreted to
mean that the goal was to bankrupt the company. This daily information was public. The interpretation that these were covered as they disappeared from the short records was not logical as corresponding purchases were not seen. As the major indexes are illegally shorted as footnote one establishes by cash settlement, the interpretation that this naked shorting was not happening did not make logical sense as illegality in the trillions of dollars of positions in cash settlement manipulations was also ongoing though concealed by the very same players that were said to be naked shorting. Naked short was just another form of concealed illegality as the multi-billion manipulations of the market through cash settlement. In other words, we never saw the crosses or the covers taking place for the shorts as we watched this every day. In any event, the Lifschultz Family position continued to be increased by the non-payment of interest on its loans which accumulated and were convertible. In other words, the Lifschultz Family let the interest accumulate as the company could not pay it. You cannot find a better friend of shareholders than they were.

We have the following projects pending:

1. The five billion dollar LOI from the giant Chinese bank for the 50 billion dollar project for Saudi Arabia which five billion dollar LOI for the first tranche is renewable today at the Saudi request. It was first handled by Crown Prince Nayef the brother of King Abdullah where Aramco would fund the 50 billion dollars themselves and the five billion dollar LOI for the first trance was recently on the desk of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
The next press release covers this above 50 billion dollar project for 3 million barrels a day for the first 600,000 barrels a day. This is making daily progress. release/accesswire/technology- business-middle-east-saudi- arabia-genoil-inc- 6842aa48dccf343c685e180d5e97ac 37

The following is the first press release: of-genoil-beijing- petrochemical-receives-us5- billion-dollar-bank-letter-of- intent-for-upgrading-project/

The following press release covers our proposal for Russia to divert all of its oil, natural gas, and other natural resources to China and costs up to 700 billion dollars would be covered by our backers. In the link you will find this covered by Asia Times from a balance of power-geopolitical perspective. It would make the EU totally dependent on the US control of the sea for their natural resources. Whatever independence the EU has would be gone. This money is available. The Ukraine crisis places this on he front burner.

Genoil in Discussions with Top Putin Aide for $700 Billion Energy Infrastructure Plan

The geopolitics is covered here. The Russia-Chinese proposal is on the front burner based on the Ukraine project.

Russia’s Missile Warning, US Faces Checkmate at the Ukraine | Operation Disclosure Official

The next link covers our 2.4 billion dollar Oman project for which Beijing Petrochemical and Genoil are spending about five million dollars on the design stage. That design should be completed at the end of December and then a formal offer will be made backed fully by a consortium of banks.

Genoil Signs Agreement in Oman to Build First GHU Upgrader in Duqm Port

This covers the 2016 press release on the Saudi project mentioned above.

Consortium of Genoil & Beijing Petrochemical Receives US$5 Billion Dollar Bank Letter of Intent for Upgrading Project.|GenOil Inc.

David Lifschultz

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