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Alias Born 12/18/2012


Re: doinit post# 312

Tuesday, 11/30/2021 3:59:19 PM

Tuesday, November 30, 2021 3:59:19 PM

Post# of 352
YUP. Silly me, i use real hard facts and discard my personal bias How stupid indeed!

GET BACK TO ME ON THE LIST! Did you forget my last 5 requests? You refuse to use the world encyclopedia at a push of a button. Just use any search engine like GOOGLE and ask the question or confirm an answer. I not only pose the question I also check out the source. If the source has a terrible track record of cross checked validity I discard it completely. FOX NEWS is one such discarded source. I can PROVE my point by comparing their answers to everyone else.

try it sometime and maybe you will wake up from the conspiracy funk.