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Alias Born 09/23/2021

Re: keepdreaming132 post# 81464

Saturday, 11/20/2021 11:48:18 AM

Saturday, November 20, 2021 11:48:18 AM

Post# of 144722
Everyone really needs to pay attention we will not be at 40.00 come year end. Why is the Sec going to change the rules now for borrowing shares and who is lending them out, to have more transparency, fails to deliver. They are doing this to cover there ass because they are afraid of the one guy who is known for taking down the bad actors. Marc Cohodes and issuing an NFT token (not a divided) which will force shorts to cover because the amount of naked shorts will be exposed. The T0 platform will carry the NFT which is run by Marc Cohodes. Some can say what the want but Cohodes would like nothing more then to expose Griffin for the real person that he is. He has mad it clear he doesn’t like Griffin and Shitadel.
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