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Re: Mharb46 post# 133871

Friday, 11/12/2021 9:37:53 AM

Friday, November 12, 2021 9:37:53 AM

Post# of 140476

Respectfully disagree. Yours is certainly one perspective of facts. Allow me to articulate a series of alternative facts, which if you objectively look at the 10 year… nay let’s say 15 year history of the company are very likely the actual facts.

Back in the John Hargrove days this used to be essentially a two-man cast with a few puppet positions including Hargroves daughter who pretty much just signed on for a paycheck. The team managed to mess up timelines and dilute. However to his credit John Hargrove is still a shareholder (unless he sold yesterday).

Now under the McNally, tenure this has essentially remained a two-man show with a much larger supporting cast of paycheque people/tinkers etc. Mac can boast a negligent up list to NASDAQ, not only missed but lied about timelines repeatedly, and currently holds almost no shares in the company - certainly fewer than all on this board profess to hold. .

Yesterday Mr. McNally not only missed a timeline for IDE, FDA submission and commercialization, but projected /bumped them out several quarters and in the case of commercialization - years. That’s not a mess but a colossal mess. #BigMacletitslipthroughthecrack

I can’t muster the exact quote from yesterdays CC, but it was something along the lines of the fact that……. it’s difficult to project concrete dates re milestone timelines. So he went from multi year ‘specifics’, (and then missed specifics) to vagaries within the span of one CC. It takes a real character to show investors the middle fingers such!

The fact of the matter is is that this company has been a walking disaster under Mr. McNally. Seriously ask yourself this question honestly. Whom, in the light of a licensing deal with the worlds foremost Medtech robotics company, then does an $18 million raise, to be followed two months later by another proposed reverse split? Who does this when there are many appetizing possibilities on the horizon? As a follow up, who is fully aware of this, and doesn’t take any meaningful action to prop up the share price (like buying shares) as a meaningful action to back up rhetoric.

The fact is that McNally gambled with the uplist, he gambled with med Tronic - who have taken the best of Titan’s patents for 31 mill - and frankly he is gambling with the FDA. Mr. Jensen leaving was not because of the tough commute. He doesn’t even need to be in Chapel Hill. He could just Zoom it like just about everybody else. The reason why he left his post because he knew what was going on. And McNally new months and months ago that this was in the cards. And anyone who thinks Mr Zaring leaving and giving up a tone of options was a positive, has frankly been watching a little too much Mr Rogers these days.

We’re seriously expected to believe that the FDA is so complicated and secretive that only by appeasing them at a distance over years and turning a blind year to their random musings can we get some sort of ballpark fix the proclamation of a course ahead?.

510 K yesterday, de Novo today but still don’t quite know… What’s going to be next week?

……Or this could all be a smokescreen for a
For a six to $10 billion buyout.

I I wouldn’t go long in the stock until after the next reverse split… which is coming sooner rather than later. We are at market tops in the S&P 500. It’s only a matter of time before a correction. Given tax loss harvesting, the woefully incompetent management of the company, and the fact that they will have to do a raise well before the the end of 2022, this leads me to think that we will be back under a dollar in no time. And Mac’s got no fire power to get it back up.

Mile stone 4 is not going to do it. He basically sabotaged himself and investors again with yesterday‘s timeline push out. Honestly the only thing that maybe moves this is if Mac and the Board of Directors move up their year and a half deadline for figuring out that darned employee stock purchase program. Maybe they could bump it up on their to-do list at their next monthly meeting.

Another question to ask yourselves very seriously. Yes there is a fire sale going to happen. Whom among you is going to be content with McNally, or Vance at the head of the negotiating table for Titan Med? Y’all really think they have retail investors interest at heart, and you still don’t see my points on Mac, then I highly suggest you go talk with some Hanson investors.

Feel bad for those of you who got to suck suckered into this POS by some of the happy go lucky cheerleaders. Believe me, they. either sold long ago or have been shorting the company stock. They and McNally just through y’all you under the bus.

Being Dovish with just allowing Big Mac to work on our behalf is not going to well. Write the SEC, write Martha, write your congressman. Let McNuts know how you feel!

GLTA. BigK, T, Roll, Rocko - thoughts?