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Alias Born 06/21/2001

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Saturday, 11/06/2021 9:39:07 AM

Saturday, November 06, 2021 9:39:07 AM

Post# of 1201
Why Giga future is so important. They will be a project that keeps getting more and more attention

Executive Summary

The United States faces a troubling scenario when it comes to the supply chain for critical minerals. Rapidly increasing demand, under-developed national resources, intense international competition, and years of ne-glect in this issue area place the U.S. at a distinct disadvantage vis-à-vis China in securing access to the met-als and Rare Earth Elements that are vital for the energy transition and for geopolitical ambitions. This paper re?ects the dialogue sustained by a high-level group of stakeholders in the summer of 2021 and argues that the United States must take a number of key steps to make the critical minerals supply chain more resilient

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