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Re: john44 post# 1171

Friday, 11/05/2021 9:10:22 AM

Friday, November 05, 2021 9:10:22 AM

Post# of 1201
My two-cents. We have seen the stock rally before as in about 2 weeks ago to .432. It retraced to seemingly try to fill the gap left at .3247.
(In this, I mean after the initial "TESLA" Hype that took it to near 70cents) It got down to .3302 but didn't quite fill the gap.

This time, I believe the rally was to reach the 45 cent "options" number that was listed in the latest news release "options granted" on October 27th.

I believe we will see a "gap-fill" now that the 45 cent option price was hit.

Just my 2CENTS