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Thursday, 11/04/2021 10:05:36 PM

Thursday, November 04, 2021 10:05:36 PM

Post# of 14714

MEDIUM Possibility Comes True


Medium Token MDM

MDM, Decentralized Self-media Marketing Platform (Sep. 5, 2019),sc,sc
According to data from China’s centralized self-media marketing platforms , the average commission fees each self-media owner receives for marketing tasks is about 500 yuan, roughly equal to 71 dollars. Given the number of self-media users on the platform is expected to reach about 5 million,355 million (71 times 5 million) dollars is generated each day as advertising income, which makes 129.575 billion US dollars ayear. Meeting this figure, MDM will truly become the first blockchain application with an annual revenue of more than 100 billion dollars. Since MDM’s circulation is 100 million coins, the value of MDM coins will reach 1295.75 dollars each. Since the initial price of MDM was 0.12 dollars each when it was first issued, MDM’s price will increase by 10797 times, making it the next ten-thousand fold cryptocurrency following BTC.

Live AMA (Ask Me Anything Session w/Jace Cho) with Bithumb Global

Q1: Can you briefly explain about MEDIUM and why is it called 4th generation blockchain?

A1: Medium is the only fourth-generation block chain that uses block chain chip technology to satisfy throughput, processing speed and various availability. Usually, when the block chain technology is divided into generations, the Ethereum, which implements the payment-oriented function of the crypto, is called the first-generation blockchain, and the second-generation block chain, which applies the scalability of smart contracts and DApps. A new blockchain that uses various consensus algorithms and new technologies that overcome the limitations of first and second-generation block chains is called third-generation blockchains.

Q2: MEDIUM suggestions for today’s blockchain, problem facing , need for high performance blockchain and efforts by the industry for increased performance of blockchain?

A2: Although there have been various types of efforts to improve performance in software-based block chain, it has been difficult to improve dramatic performance.

For vertical and horizontal expansion of various services and clients, MEDIUM client and MEDIUM cloud blockchain services are added to suggest the direction of a strong hardware-based blockchain infrastructure that leads to MBPU.

Q3: MEDIUM blockchain policies and directions with its identity and final goal to be achieved?

A3: First of all, Through Medium’s own technology, we have greatly improved existing block chain cores to minimize ‘bottleneck’ that undermines performance.

At the same time, we succeeded in increasing the processing speed of the block chain through MDL, which is an accelerating solution for blockchain. MDL means MEDIUM Distributed Ledger.

The applied technology is Medium Blockchain Processing Unit (MBPU) of MEDIUM, which is dedicated hardware specialized in the operation of the blockchain like AMD’s GPU.

Addtionally, The maximum speed of MDL3.0 released in May this year is 30,000 TPS, and the subsequent version of MDL5.0 is up to 50,000 TPS. This is 6 to 15 times the speed of the conventional blockchain and is known to be the speed at which global financial services can be provided through blockchain technology.

Q4: Some brief descriptions about MEDIUM core technology like more details on BPU.

A4: Lastly, to become an innovative technology in the future through the blockchain, performance at the level of commercialization should be implemented first.

It has significantly improved performance by developing dedicated information processing devices for “Bottle necks” and “Obstacle factors” to improve the performance of the blockchain, which has been dominated by software-based research for nearly a decade. That is the MBPU(MEDIUM Blockchain Processing Unit).

MEDIUM Blockchain Processing Unit (MBPU), which was designed independently by MEDIUM, is characterized by processing obstacles that occur during the sign & verification process of the blockchain with parallel devices and hardware acceleration.

Q5: Relevance of MEDIUM architecture and proxy and its significance?

A5: Medium benchmarked the EOV of the hyperledger fabric. EOV mean is Excute-Oder-Validate. In generally, Whereas the conventional linear blockchain platform is an Order-Excute structure, MEDIUM has the characteristics of an Excute-Oder-Validate structure. In this hyperledger structure, if we interlock the proxy system, we can use the resources of the MEDIUM blockchain platform similarly to the private blockchain.

Q6: Development roadmap about core technology and solutions of MEDIUM for increased performance of platforms?

A6: Currently, MDL3.0 is released, and MDL-X, which allows you to experience MDL lightly, will be officially launched in July.

As explained earlier, the company is planning to release MDL5.0, which significantly improves the performance of MDL3.0 in the second half of the year.

MDL5.0 will be supplied to companies that operate large systems such as financial institutions and telecommunication companies.

Q7~Q8: Features and properties about MEDIUM blockchain platform and business ecosystem? Vision of MEDIUM blockchain platform ecosystem and ways to promote ecosystem vision ? Marketing strategy to be followed.

A7~A8: At first, The biggest marketing strategy is to target the enterprise blockchain market. Recently, the market has been gradually expanding, especially in China and Southeast Asia. We would like to actively utilize offline-based B2B marketing that can meet target consumers in person and explain our technology.

For example, we would like to bring our solutions directly to technology fairs such as AI, Big-data, and Cloud, including Blockchain, and focus on marketing activities that directly communicate with potential partners and experts.

Although there have been some modifications to the action plan recently due to COVID-19, the key to our strategy in the big-picture is to directly explain our technology to potential client…It could be most effective and powerful to check the technology directly offline in front of the customers. We are already prepared for that!

Q9: Definition of MEDIUM COIN MDM and brief description of token metrics ?

A9: The MEDIUM Foundation will form a global consortium network based on the MDL appliances , hyper-speed blockchain solution.

MEDIUM’s global Consortium network will ensure the same level of performance and speed as hyper-speed blockchain platform consumers build their own platforms.

MDM token will be paid to use the resources of these high-speed networks, and act as a key crypto currency for the ecosystem of high-speed blockchain services that will be built in the future.

Q10: Investors, backers, clients, users, target audience of MEDIUM ?

A10: If we put just one, it could be enterprise partners especially B2B potential clients. As mentioned earlier, we are focusing on the global enterprise blockchain market.

Question from Twitter

Q1: What is your project focused on, first of all, what markets are you targeting and what major move are you planning this 2020? Among different blockchains projects, what are some key features that set Medium aside?

A1: Recently, MEDIUM is actively supporting blockchain system construction projects in the public sector led by the Korean government, and it was decided to promote several projects in the second half.

Q2: What are the potential user base and market opportunities of MEDIUM?

A2: It seems to be,, Blockchain services are expected to be activated by the emergence of many performance-based service apps. Medium supports essential performance for services to implement. MEDIUM sees it as a market opportunity for medium.

Q3: As we know, every successful project has a few stories behind the scenes, what’s the story behind MDM success? What was that vision when MDM first emerged as an idea? Are there any special prototypes or upcoming MDM updates that you want to show/share with us?

A3: Most blockchains are based on the software technology. However, software is necessarily implemented over hardware. But so far, the blockchain tech. has no hardware. MEDIUM decided that this would be the first chance for MEDIUM. I belive it.

Q4: I think it is because the speed to process the process necessary to maintain the reliability between blocks has not been commercialized yet. What is the biggest advantage of the medium method using hardware rather than a system method such as sharding?

A4: If data processing methods such as Sharding and Casper are used, performance can be partially improved for distributed processing of large amounts of data. However, in order to increase the overall processing performance of the blockchain platform, the TPS including the data throughput of each individual node. That is, the processing speed per second must be significantly improved.

MEDIUM improved not only the performance of a single node, but also the overall platform performance improved by the E-O-V architecture. This is a consortium network provided as a co-location service in the data center to ensure stable service. Until now, we will continue to be the fastest blockchain technolgy provider.

MEDIUM Patents (5 Total)

Security Vaccine Solution based on Block Chain Technology

Network interface apparatus and controlling method thereof,%EC%A3%BC%EC%8B%9D%ED%9A%8C%EC%82%AC+%EB%AF%B8%EB%94%94%EC%9B%80&page=4

Peer node, method for processing information executed on peer node and blockchain platform system,%EC%A3%BC%EC%8B%9D%ED%9A%8C%EC%82%AC+%EB%AF%B8%EB%94%94%EC%9B%80&page=5

How to store micro SD card-based blockchain security token (aka virtual currency) and encrypt and decrypt real-time data,%EC%A3%BC%EC%8B%9D%ED%9A%8C%EC%82%AC+%EB%AF%B8%EB%94%94%EC%9B%80&page=6

Proxy devices and how information is processed by proxy devices,%EC%A3%BC%EC%8B%9D%ED%9A%8C%EC%82%AC+%EB%AF%B8%EB%94%94%EC%9B%80&page=6

Peer nodes, processing methods performed on peer nodes, and blockchain platform systems,%EC%A3%BC%EC%8B%9D%ED%9A%8C%EC%82%AC+%EB%AF%B8%EB%94%94%EC%9B%80&page=6,sc,sc
2019 Period of MDM

What is MDM

Medium Chain aims to establish a peer-to-peer value transfer public chain. By building the underlying blockchain architecture and digital resource distribution agreement, it supports third-party developers to build their own applications on top of its open source agreement, forming a partnership with many industry partners. The complete ecology of blockchain technology and applications. Based on various rules and protocols created by Medium Chain, it grafts various media resource application scenarios including text, pictures, music, video, software, etc., and provides a standard and efficient blockchain system for media, advertisers, and collaboration platforms. .

Technical characteristics of MDM

1. Introduce the master node system to solve the problems of large communication delay and small storage space

2. Establish a voting mechanism for the governance committee to promote community development and conduct content review

3. Set up a reasonable income distribution mechanism to encourage developers to contribute

4. Introduce side chain technology to realize the rapid deployment of smart contracts

5. Adopt DPOS consensus mechanism to attract more resources to join the Medium network

MDM team

The MEDIUM Foundation is headquartered in Singapore. It mainly invests in start-ups and growth companies with disruptive technologies or innovative business models, huge market opportunities and a strong management team. Investment areas include mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing, wearable computing, artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, smart devices, blockchain technology, etc. The MDM Foundation has an excellent academic, industry and investment background, and its team members are composed of top talents in various fields.

Teh Ka Hoe (???) is the chairman of the MDM Foundation. He graduated from the National University of Singapore with a PhD in Economics from the National University of Singapore. His research areas include consumption, big data, cloud, artificial intelligence, blockchain and global financial services. He has been leading the frontier investment in blockchain technology, from infrastructure and protocols to IPFS, content, lightning network, etc. Teh Ka Hoe believes in the future of blockchain technology and its profound impact on global economic activities.

John harriso
is the Chief Media Operations Officer of the MDM Foundation. John obtained a PhD in journalism from Stanford University. Before joining the MDM Foundation, he served as the CEO of Time Warner Group from January 2010 to December 2012 Jeffrey L. Bewkes's assistant, from December 2012 to August 2016, served as the chief operating officer of Time Warner's entertainment and network company. He has extensive experience and unique insights in the media industry.

Teck Wee, Eric Low is the Chief Financial Officer of the MDM Foundation. He graduated from the University of California, is a Singapore Certified Public Accountant and a Singapore Certified Tax Accountant. Before Eric joined the MDM Foundation, Eric worked for Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers for 8 years, providing domestic and foreign companies in many industries with financial and taxation and business consulting services on investment and financing, business operations, transaction models, mergers and acquisitions, etc. .

William Jafferson Clinton MDM Foundation Partner

Liam Hemsworth
MDM Foundation Partner

The core members of the MEDIUM Foundation have many years of experience in media, finance, blockchain and other industries. An excellent management team is the cornerstone of MDM's future success and will lead the MEDIUM Foundation to success and create brilliance!

MDM's ecological resources

MDM ecological resources include three parts

Bar public chain

BAR has a Graphene underlying architecture based on the DPOS consensus mechanism. It adopts the key tags of Oracle indexing tools and single-chip sorting technology, and technical features such as multi-signature rules make the BAR public chain extremely high transaction processing capabilities and high data throughput capabilities. This is exactly the basic demand point for the realization of the Medium Chain platform functions. And its Gocan and other on-chain supporting functions also enable rapid development and docking, and it has a high degree of ease of use.

EZB is a decentralized financial platform that provides all trading, investment, lending, and payment functions. MDM can be circulated on the EZB exchange in the early stage.

Chain Bar Social Platform

Chain Bar is a blockchain-based social + information platform that discusses artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain technology and applications. It pioneered a new open association network, referred to as GOCAN (Global Open Chain-bar Association Network). It can accommodate all blockchain projects, which greatly facilitates the communication activities between MDM users.

The three major ecological platforms of BAR can ensure that MDM projects are fully escorted from the beginning, greatly reducing the operation and promotion costs of MDM media contracts.

MDM's token distribution mechanism

The total amount of Medium Chain tokens issued is 1 billion, and the initial circulation is 1 million, which will be used for chain bar community activity rewards.

20% foundation (locked for 5 years)

10% Governance Committee (distributed after lock-up for 3 years)

10% incentives for decentralized operators (distributed in 10 years, 1% released every year)

10% decentralized advertising agency (distributed in 10 years, 1% released every year)

20% media mining reward

30% global community incentive

MDM token destruction mechanism

When withdrawing all commissions in the MDM media contract Dapp, 8% to 10% will be deducted and entered into the contract wallet through the on-chain contract for public destruction. Therefore, the total amount of MDM will continue to decrease. With the operation of the business system, MDM will be gradually destroyed, and the value of MDM will gradually increase with the destruction of MDM.

MDM has complete ecological support, professional technology development, experienced operation and management teams at home and abroad, and a reasonable token distribution mechanism. MDM's all-round height setting ensures that MDM will become the world's largest commercial blockchain in the future. system.

What is an MDM media contract

The MDM media contract is a decentralized self-media marketing platform that introduces the value of blockchain into the self-media industry, and links global advertisers and self-media owners through the BAR public chain, so that everyone becomes a self-media. The media contract platform creates unlimited value.

Operating mechanism of MDM media contract

Media owners have the opportunity to share advertising information once a day. After sharing, they need to submit valid communication credentials (screenshots or media URLs) to ensure that the advertisers’ ads are effectively exposed.

After the media owner submits the sharing vouchers, other self-media owners will conduct a primary review. The primary review needs to get 3 confirmations to ensure the quality of advertising. If the review is passed, the self-media owners can get the corresponding commission. The auditor conducts a review.

If the senior reviewer judges that the self-media owner is effective, the self-media owner receives a commission normally, and the junior reviewer who audits the error for negligence will be deducted 1/3 of the commission on the day as punishment. For example, the senior reviewer determines that the self-media owner is Invalid dissemination, the self-media owner cancels the commission on the day. The junior reviewer who audits correctly can get an additional 1/3 of the commission on the day as a reward, and the junior reviewer who audits the wrong one will deduct 1/3 of the commission on the day as a penalty.

Decentralized, complete business processes, a virtuous cycle of review mechanism and highly autonomous governance committee management can effectively avoid cheating by media owners and reviewers, enabling MDM media contracts to operate continuously and stably for advertisers and media The Lord continues to create value.

Self-media valuation

Media owners need to self-assess the value of individual self-media advertising when opening an account. Each time they share an advertisement, they can get an advertising commission of 0.5% to 1.2% of their own media value. This action can encourage self-media users to actively evaluate their own value.

The four roles of MDM media contracts

Advertiser: Advertiser is the initiator of an advertising campaign, which can be a legal person, other economic organization or individual, and uses MDM to publish paid promotion advertisements for promotional purposes. Is the task publisher in the media contract.

Self-media owner: The self-media owner is the owner of the self-media and the task performer in the media contract. When the self-media participates in the media contract, it needs to play two roles. The first one is the role of the advertising disseminator, through the Advertisers get commissions for the promotion tasks released. The second role is a junior reviewer, who checks whether other self-media owners have effectively completed the advertising dissemination tasks.

Senior auditor: Due to the completely decentralized system design, after the media owner completes the advertising promotion task, whether the task meets the standards will be completed by the free audit mechanism, that is, the primary audit mechanism. When the task is disputed and needs to be reviewed again, this It is up to senior auditors to reconfirm the task results.

Management Committee: In order to avoid the problem of decision-making efficiency in the decentralized system, MDM will set up a management committee, which is voted by all participants, and is responsible for determining the technical direction of the system, implementing commercial promotion, and resolving disputes.

Why MDM media contract can be a perpetual contract

Centralized We Media Marketing Platform

According to Zenith's "Top 30 Media Owners in the World" report, Google and Facebook earned 20% of all global media advertising expenditures in 2018. Google's parent company Alphabet is the world's largest media owner, with 2018 advertising revenues reaching 87.2 billion U.S. dollars. In China, a new kind of centralized self-media platform is emerging, such as Weiboyi, Xingkong Media, Xinbang, Lingku and so on. Personal self-media owners and advertisers can apply to enter these platforms. Personal self-media owners need to fill in the personal self-media main account ID, tags, number of fans and other information when they enter. Advertisers can post advertisements on the platform after they are stationed. Take orders and form a complete transaction process.

However, this lack of operating mechanism has obvious shortcomings:

1. The operating cost of the platform is high. After the media master receives the order, whether the task is completed effectively requires the platform to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to review, which is inefficient.

2. The communication effect cannot be guaranteed. After the media owner publishes the task, the platform will conduct an inspection. The quality of the reviewers is uneven, and the mechanism cannot be used to regulate the behavior of the reviewers.

The MDM decentralized media contract consensus mechanism can perfectly solve all the above problems

First of all, whether the self-media owner can complete the task effectively after receiving the order is reviewed by the other three self-media owners, and mutually restricts each other. There will be no cheating and no operating costs. Therefore, the advertisements published by advertisers can also be effectively disseminated. , To maximize the value of advertisers.

Secondly, it solves the payment problem in the global market. The centralized self-media platform is limited by the monetary policy of the local country and cannot be used internationally. The commission of the MDM media contract is paid in MDM tokens, and the advertisers' advertisements can Placed in any country in the world, the scope of advertising can be greatly increased.

The 4 development stages of MDM media contracts

The first stage: early circulation stage

MDM has been listed on the EZB exchange for subscription. It rose 700 times on the day it went online, and instantly attracted the attention of global investors. MDM easily gained the attention of millions of users and completed the initial promotion of the media contract platform.

The second stage: open mining mechanism

In the early stage, we media owners get commissions from participating in MDM media contracts, which are generated through mining. Each we media owner can get a commission that is 3 times the value of its own media. The open and transparent mining mechanism can attract the attention of a large number of we media users in the early stage. It laid a good foundation for the entry of MDM media contract advertisers.

The third stage: advertisers enter

There are two forms for advertisers to enter MDM media contracts

1. Independently apply to enter the MDM media contract platform through the dissemination of self-media owners

2. Introduction of decentralized advertising agency for MDM media contract
Why advertisers choose MDM decentralized media platform

1. It has a wide range of dissemination and a large number of radiated groups. The second development stage of the MDM media contract has attracted a large number of self-media owners. Assuming that one self-media owner can radiate to 500 fans, 10,000 self-media owners can spread at the same time Advertisers’ ads can bring 5 million impressions.

2. The communication effect is good. The MDM media contract has a strict review mechanism, and there is basically no cheating, so the advertiser's advertisement can be most effectively disseminated.

The role of advertisers participating in media contracts

1. Consume MDM in market circulation

2. Payment medium: commission of contract media owner

Phase 4: List of major global exchanges

The launch of MDM on major global trading markets can allow MDM to be effectively circulated and attract more secondary market users. These users are potential self-media owners of MDM media contracts and can inject more traffic into the MDM media platform.

MDM uses a reasonable decentralized management mechanism to ensure advertising effects and reduce operating costs. Through the four development stages of the MDM media contract, the MDM used by advertisers for advertising will eventually replace the MDM commission generated by the media owner’s mining, ensuring the MDM media The contract becomes a perpetual contract.

Market prospects of MDM media contracts:

1. Global Internet advertising business volume

According to statistics from MAGNA, global advertising expenditure reached 552 billion U.S. dollars in 2018, an increase of 7.2% year-on-year. Among them, global digital advertising sales increased by 17% in 2018 to reach 251 billion U.S. dollars. It is expected that the global Internet advertising business volume will be An increase of 13.3%, reaching a total of 333.8 billion US dollars.

2. Advertising revenue of large global Internet companies

According to statistics from the authoritative organization PricewaterhouseCoopers, in 2018, two-thirds of global advertising expenses went to five giant Internet companies, Google, Facebook, Alibaba, Baidu, and Tencent. Among them, Google's 2018 advertising revenue reached 87.2 billion. U.S. dollars, Facebook's 2018 advertising revenue was 40.5 billion U.S. dollars.

Market share that MDM can obtain

According to data from China's centralized We-media marketing platform, the average commission for an individual We-media owner to publish an advertisement is around RMB 500, which is equivalent to US$71. In the future, the MDM media contract platform is expected to have about 5 million self-media users, and the advertising benefits that can be generated daily are 71*500=355 million U.S. dollars. The advertising benefit generated in one year is 129.575 billion U.S. dollars. By then, it will truly become the largest blockchain application with an annual revenue of 100 billion U.S. dollars. If calculated on the basis of 100 million MDM in circulation, the value of MDM will reach 1,295.75 US dollars. Based on the initial issuance price of MDM on the EZB exchange of 0.12 US dollars, the price of MDM has increased by 10,797 times, which will become the next BTC. After the next ten thousand times currency.

In addition, each self-media main user can radiate an average of about 500 fans per transmission, and the unit price of advertisers advertising can be as low as $0.14 per user. The low advertising cost can attract more advertisers to enter the MDM media contract. To publish an advertisement. This is a virtuous circle mechanism in which advertisers and self-media owners can maximize their own value.

Backed by the Singapore Foundation, MDM has complete ecological resources and a reasonable consensus mechanism. It is believed that the MDM media contract will become the first super-large application on the blockchain. The operating mechanism of the MDM perpetual contract will definitely allow MDM to be In the future, it will become a real million times currency.

[LAUNCHPAD] Medium (MDM) will launch IEO with ProBit Exchange

MDL Trademark

MDL Trademark

Trademark Overview
On Friday, September 17, 2021, a trademark application was filed for MDL with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The USPTO has given the MDL trademark a serial number of 97032981. The federal status of this trademark filing is NEW APPLICATION - RECORD INITIALIZED NOT ASSIGNED TO EXAMINER as of Tuesday, September 21, 2021. This trademark is owned by MEDIUM INC.. The MDL trademark is filed in the Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products and Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services categories with the following description:

Recorded computer programs for managing database based on blockchain; downloadable smart phone application software for managing database based on blockchain; downloadable software for managing database based on blockchain; downloadable software for network firewalls for managing database based on blockchain; downloadable computer software for network security; data synchronization programs; downloadable computer software for database access authorization; downloadable computer software related to database, namely, for managing database based on blockchain; downloadable software for data processing; downloadable computer software for wireless network communication; downloadable computer software for the creation of firewalls; downloadable computer communication software for user access to bank account information and for authorizing bank transactions; downloadable computer software for encryption; downloadable computer programs and computer software for electronic transactions of secur...

Development of software for exchange of virtual currencies; development of software for virtual currency transactions; development of software for issuance of virtual currencies; development of computer game software; design and development of blockchain database networks; technical support, namely, monitoring technological functions of computer network systems; development of software for security network management; design and development of blockchain network; development of blockchain-based application software; development of software for management of blockchain-based virtual currency network; development of software for blockchain-based systems; maintenance of software for blockchain networks; computer software development, computer programming and maintenance of computer software in the field of blockchain database networks; computer programming services for electronic commerce transactions; maintenance of computer software for electronic commerce transactions; development of s...

Trademark Owner History
Party Name MEDIUM INC.

Party Type 10 - Original Applicant
Legal Entity Type 03 - Corporation
Address 4F, 211, Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu
Seoul 06052

Ideal Trade Finance Transaction Platform by Medium Blockchain
2021, the paradigm of trade finance transactions will be changed
Written by Jace Cho Youngjun / MEDIUM COO

A new history of the trade industry comes in May 2018. HSBC, along with ING Bank, succeeded in blockchain-based L/C transactions with the world's first global blockchain consortium, the R3 Coder (Corda) platform.

At that time, Cargill, the largest grain company in the U.S., exported soybeans from Argentina to Malaysia, but the L/C transaction, which usually took five to 10 days, was processed in one day using blockchain technology.

General trade transactions require complicated procedures, such as contracts, opening letters of credit (L), and export customs clearance. Since there are various stakeholders involved, there are many documents that need to be verified step by step, so many companies and staff are involved. Of course, the cost and time required will increase. In order to improve this, the world's trade industry has been seeking a solution for a long time, and blockchain technology has been applied as a core technology that can end the history of inconvenience.

Digital Island is mentioned most frequently when pointing out problems with global trade finance. Because various entities in trade finance around the world use only separate networks, they are not compatible with each other, and the parties involved in the transaction have no choice but to integrate the networks or trade in paper form.

Many experts say that blockchain technology will be applied to trade finance, and 38 percent of U.S. financial institutions expect blockchain technology to show its potential in trade finance

In fact, countries around the world have raised the need for a trade finance platform utilizing blockchain technology and have built a platform suitable for each purpose. Projects in progress include Marco Poloblockchain network of R3LLC, IX, of Europe, which IBM recently joined as a shareholder, Voltron, Batavia, eTradeConnect, TradeLens.

HSBC is one of the banks active in such diverse global projects. HSBC unveiled R3 Corda's "Voltron" project in 2019 and participated in We.Trade-based blockchain trade transactions, as well as "eTradeConnect" supported by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. In December 2018, it joined the China Banking Association (CBA) consortium for the first time as a foreign company, and successfully conducted a letter of credit transaction using blockchain technology at CTFU (China Trade Finance Union Blockchain Platform).

CTFU is a project inspired by the Blockchain Trade Finance Platform operated by the Construction Bank of China since January 2018. At that time, the annual transaction value of the construction banking platform was about 400 billion yuan (about 67 trillion won). CTFU is the largest of several projects HSBC has participated in. The platform included 10 consortiums of China Federation of Banks, including the world's largest industrial and commercial bank, as well as all of the world's top four banks, including Construction Bank of China, Agricultural Bank and Bank of China. The market capitalization of the four banks alone exceeds 1,000 trillion won.

China Construction Bank's Blockchain Trading Finance Platform is said to have provided an ideal model for the future financial system by providing transaction breakdown guarantees through blockchain networks, cutting costs and increasing operational efficiency. To support this evaluation, it has been a great success since the first year of its implementation.

Based on this success, the Federation of Banks of China announced the launch of the CTFU platform, which expands the trade finance platform of construction banks to include all of China. Ten banks of the China Federation of Banks consortium participated in the project, and Peersafe, a member of the Hyperledger Fabric consortium, provided technical assistance. Peersafe is the only company that has three licenses: the Chinese government's authorization to sell information security products, the certification of classification of commercial cryptocurrency products, and the license to supply software to central government agencies.

As of 2021, the CTFU platform has chosen Korea as a base for expanding the Asian region beyond mainland China. The project, called the CKTF (China Trade Finance Transaction Platform), is headed by Peersafe, who has been leading the concept, operation plan, and blockchain system technology since 2018. Medium, a traditional Korean blockchain specialist, will provide blockchain technology as a Korean technology partner.

Peersafe chose Medium because of its high-performance blockchain technology based on hyperledger fabric. Medium Distributed Ledger (MDL), the blockchain solution of Medium, was opened in October last year and confirmed speeds of more than 15,000 TPS through a global IT company. This speed is the highest in the world, ahead of R3 Corda's 617 TPS and Hyperledger Fabric's 3,500 TPS.

The two companies signed a business agreement with the goal of establishing a trade finance platform between Korea and China on the 11th. Medium will serve as a testbed for Korea to provide high-performance blockchain MDL infrastructure, exchange technologies with Chinese companies that integrate systems, and expand into Asia globally. In particular, Medium plans to improve the cost structure of thousands or trillions of won, which is excessively wasted on international trade.

Korea's trade volume reached 243.4 billion dollars (about 265 trillion won) in 2019, more than the combined amount of the U.S. (135.3 billion dollars) and Japan (76 billion dollars). Based on the L/C transaction fee (0.11 percent) analyzed by the Korea Institute of International Trade and Analysis, the annual L/C transaction between the two countries alone cost about 291.5 billion won. According to an analysis by the International Chamber of Commerce and Industry, blockchain-based trade finance could have a cost structure that is three to five percent cheaper than traditional paperwork. The amount amounts to about 100 billion won as of 2019.

These costs are merely transferred to companies that trade with themselves. Many blockchain companies are trying various methods through digital assets to avoid high fees for overseas remittances, but it is difficult to find an empirical case due to slow technology transmission rates, fluctuations in foreign currency prices, lack of guarantees.

The trade finance platform between Korea and China, which will be established as Peersafe this time, is already attracting a lot of attention from Korean commercial banks. As commercial banks have already joined the consortium of banks in the process of signing MOUs, the number is expected to increase gradually. With the participation of the World Bank as a platform operation and consortium, the scale is already overwhelming, and the blockchain technology applied to the platform is the fastest in the world.

If blockchain scalability can be secured here, the trade finance platform that Medium will build with China's Peersafe will present the most ideal model of the global financial system beyond Korea and China.

Source (

Medium's Fastest Blockchain Technology

August 30, 2021

The Metal Arts Company, Inc. Announces Change in Control and New Management
New York, NY - August 30, 2021 – The Metal Arts Company, Inc. (OTC Pink: MTRT)(“MTRT”) is proud to
announce that on or about August 25, 2021, as a result of a private sale of 7,665,000 shares of common
stock of MTRT, control of MTRT passed to Medium, Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of
South Korea.
A new board of directors of MTRT, consisting of Messrs. Pan Jong Kim, Kiwoon Biak, and Yunho Chung,
were appointed. In addition the following individuals are now officers of MTRT: (i) Mr. Pan Jong Kim is
now serving as chairman and chief executive officer, (ii) Mr. Kiwoon Biak is now serving as vice president
and chief financial officer of MTRT, and (iii) Mr. Yunho Chung is now serving as vice president and
secretary of MTRT.
MRTR is still a shell company as that term is defined under Rule 405 of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and Rule 12b-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

OTC Markets Updated with Officers Listed
Company Officers & Contacts
Pan Jong Kim
CEO, President
Yunho Chung
Vice President, Secretary
Kiwoon Biak
Vice President, CFO
John Chung
Board of Directors
Pan Jong Kim
Chairman, CEO, President
Kiwoon Biak
Yunho Chung

The Metal Arts Company, Inc., Closes Share Exchange Agreement With Medium, Inc.
NEW YORK, October 29, 2021 -- The Metal Arts Company, Inc. (OTC PINK: MTRT), (the “Company” or
“MTRT”) today announced that it has closed the Share Exchange Agreement with Medium, Inc.
(“Medium”), through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Trust Consulting, Inc. (“TCI”), thereby having control
and ownership of Medium. Pursuant to the terms of the Share Exchange Agreement dated October 25,
2021, TCI assigned an aggregate of 67,891,991 shares of common stock of MTRT and 3,500,000 shares of
Series A Preferred Stock of MTRT to Medium shareholders in exchange for 100% of the issued and
outstanding shares of Medium. Medium was established in 2018 and is a privately held corporation based
in Seoul, South Korea. With its world’s fastest high-performance blockchain core technology, Medium
leads the blockchain industry in South Korea providing hardware and software solutions as well as
blockchain platform development and management services. Since 2020, Medium’s MDL (Medium Distributed Ledger) solution has been selected from various
blockchain projects in public and private sectors in South Korea. MDL is developed based on Medium’s
core technology called MxP (Medium eXPress engine) which is certified as 14,142 TPS in performance test
by KOTCA (Korea Testing Certification Agency) in January 2021.
Currently, this is the fastest blockchain
processing speed recorded.
Applying its cutting-edge technology, Medium launched Medium Chain, a brand new blockchain network
platform. Medium Chain provides ultra-high speed performance networks with great stability to support
a wide range of B2B and B2C services including finance (DeFi, Digital Asset Custody), games, social VR,
digital contents, entertainment, and more.
About The Metal Arts Company Inc.
The Metal Arts Company Inc. is a leader in providing high-performance blockchain core technology in
South Korea. Our core processor MxP (Medium eXPress engine) was certified at 14,142 TPS which is the
fastest blockchain processing speed recorded. Applying our cutting-edge technology, we provide ultra-
high speed performance networks with great stability to support a wide range of B2B and B2C services
including finance (DeFi, Digital Asset Custody), games, social VR, digital contents, entertainment, and

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the definition of Section 27A of the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and such as in section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934, as amended.
These forward-looking statements should not be used to make an investment decision. The words
'estimate,' 'possible' and 'seeking' and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, which
speak only as to the date the statement was made. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly

What do we have with MEDIUM?

- MEDIUM is considered by several publications one of the largest blockchain companies in South Korea.
South Korea currently has over 9% of total global crypto trading transaction market in the world.

- MEDIUM goal is to be the top 10 largest blockchain company in the world, and believes it will become the world's leading blockchain company by it's technology of achieving 1,000,000 TPS.


- MEDIUM is currently utilizing the same strategy as Red Hat through Blockchain technology as a goal to become the next Red Hat in blockchain. Red Hat was acquired from IBM for $34 billion dollars


- MEDIUM has acquired KOK PLAY, which was previously owned as parent company Superacid. It was announced previously KOK Play had a large fund (Jae Sang Koo/KClavis) invest $63 billion U.S. dollars into Superacid/KOK Play. Medium then acquired KOK PLAY this last year. KOK PLAY is now MEDIUM entry into the digital platform to compete with Netflix, Google and Apple among other large digital enterprises. KOK Play provides a crypto currency for users to mine and buy/sell that is valued about $250 million dollars and trades currently on some of the largest crypto currency exchanges in the world. It is a decentralized content platform.
KOK PLAY Online Review
MEDIUM/KOK PLAY Discuss Digital Platform & Technology

- MEDIUM had over 5 Million in Revenue in the 1st half of 2021 and is aiming for 200% Growth by Advancing into the US Market and Launching a Blockchain Platform and Linked Service.

- MEDIUM Currently has Several Large Global Partners and will Likely look to continue it's global reach of expansion through partnerships
History of MEDIUM from Website:

- MEDIUM is also planning to expand it's service by platform and cloud. MEDIUM's technology MDL is the world's first rackmount type hardware blockchain solution.

- Google's Best Futurist Joined KOK PLAY/MEDIUM

- MEDIUM signed an agreement with Waltonchain to develop Chinese market together. MEDIUM also with PeerSafe is working together to build ASEAN's largest trade finance trading platform.

- MEDIUM Planning to Utilize it's High-Performance Blockchain Technology, Blockchain-based Service with Digital Values, Offline Service of Kiosks and Blockchain Platform to Build MEDIUM Universe as part of Integration into Metaverse growth sector.

All posts are my own opinions. All investors should do their own due diligence in making decisions.

Trade from a position of strength