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Re: TrendTrade2016 post# 7603

Saturday, 10/30/2021 12:34:42 PM

Saturday, October 30, 2021 12:34:42 PM

Post# of 23086
Understood. Last question, why do u feel obligated to put the message out especially when it is just your opinion and you have no skin in the game?

Myself, I may be the largest investor here, maybe not. I increased my position substantially yesterday after I saw the company that is coming in here. Also, there are no tricks as there will be no rs or or dilution for two years. This is part of what hopefully the new otc will look like going forward. The crooks that existed can no longer hide especially the clowns caught up with taking toxic funding as the toxic funders may be heading to state penitentiary of NOT their choice.


Everything I say is my educated opinion and is NOT investment advice