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Alias Born 03/05/2014

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Friday, 10/22/2021 1:39:38 PM

Friday, October 22, 2021 1:39:38 PM

Post# of 3193
Just_as we_predicted... Julio_Ponce selling_out of_SQM, drops_to 17.42%
holding on the preferred more-valuable Series-B SQM shares. Pampa Calichera sells SQM-B shares for more than CH$50 billion in October
You will recall that Julio Ponce once controlled 32% of SQM... back in the good old days before all the government intervention, new royalty taxes, constant bitching from local farmers/indians/paid-protestors, Eco-terrorists, frivolous environmental lawsuits, prissy landlord CORFO-paid token engineerettes bossing everyone around, and diminishing ground water being secretly siphoned off by the Mama's boys copper miners just up the road from SQM & Albemarle for which they (the Mama's boys) adamantly deny secretly siphoning off any sweet water.

Julio Ponce's private bank account is getting fatter by the day in October. We would guess that November will be even better for his bank account growing more ever-so-slowly/gently so as not to spook the other SQM shareholders.

The only question now which commands our interest here is Julio Ponce selling SQM to increase his Family's bank account in order to buy into (or buy outright) Lithium Chile Inc? Or, MGX? Or, Wealth Minerals Limited, Or, MSB-SpA?

I am betting it is to buy into next door neighbor MSB-SpA.

The Doctor

The History (and the Slow Calculated Exit Strategy)

April 16, 2021 we started to see a perceptible shift in the way Julio Ponce was interacting with SQM. See Post 766 titled Reset to DEFCON-5... Julio Ponce rejects IG4 offer

April 26, 2021 we advised Julio Ponce to begin thinking about partnering with Martin Borda in Maricunga. See Post 829 titled Appears 75yr old Julio Ponce just flat out hates having focking partners

May 13, 2021 we advise Julio Ponce to set a SQM policy to “go slow and maintain just enough workers onsite to give the illusion the company is fine/working”. See Post 921 titled Dear Mitsui executive slated to take over Crystalballs’ job at MSB-SpA
In this lengthy post we go into detail on how the ponce Family of 5 companies is basically controlled by Julio Ponce 4 children and the current financial position for the family.
SQM today has a market cap of $13,300,000,000
Julio Ponce & Family control $3,297,400,000 of that amount through their 5 subsidiaries:
1. Norte Grande_________________ $1,811,315,000
2. Oro Blanco aka White Gold________ $141,085,000
3. Nitratos________________________ $211,000,000
4. Potasios_______________________ $262,000,000
5. Pampa Calichera aka Pampa Group_ $872,000,000

May 17, 2021 we advise Julio Ponce to begin a slow very-quiet exit from SQM by selling small packages of SQM shares so as not to upset the market. See Post 948 titled SQM drops 10% 2:30PM ET. Dear Julio Ponce, ready to talk?

May 20, 2021 guest writer from Bloonberg News Karen Rodriquez clarifies the best strategy for SQM in a potential Leftist commie government. See Post 981 title Fock the Commies! We're charging full speed ahead until we can't any more
The key message for SQM in this post reads: Secretly we'll freeze all new investment money expenditures, we'll run the rusting machines until they break down on the spot, we'll double-down accelerate all remaining depreciation on all the buildings/machines ASAP squeezing every last drop out, we'll borrow to the max right up to poison-pill levels on fuel/chemicals/demurrage/grid-electricity, drag our feet on paying federal/state taxes using all the current deferrals to the max, all our creditors are from today forward going on 90 days till payment instead of 30 days so they get stung hardest and not us if we get wiped out, and no more new hires, says the Road Runner to conniving Wile E Coyote.

June 22, 2021 Ponce Family maximum allowable 32% control of SQM is dwindling with small sales. We advise Julio Ponce to extract the family from SQM and “go private”. We in Maricunga support his plan to shore-up/enhance/strengthen his 5 Chilean companies into a consolidated independent private lithium mining operation. See Post 1143 titled Come to Daddy... Julio Ponce merging his 5 subsidiary companies

June 23, 2021 we go formally on the record that we see the Ponce Family saying their last goodbyes to SQM and quietly bailing out. See Post 1148 titled Major investment houses trying to figure out Julio Ponce's "consolidation" move

August 24, 2021 Julio Ponce auctions off a sweet juicy 2,500,000 package of B-series SQM shares. See Post 1374 titled Julio Ponce to auction 2,500,000 B-series shares of SQM
We advise Crystalballs to get up off his lazy beaner ass and get over to the Ponce Family compound to talk up a JV with MSB-SpA and the 5 companies Julio Ponce controls.

August 27, 2021 See Post 1385 titled Julio Ponce. Sucked out $125,700,000 deftly avoiding market collapse

October 15, 2021 we encourage Julio Ponce to buy all five of the 80,000 metric tonne lithium export quotas (chits) going up for auction by what’s left of this current fascist government. See Post 1623 titled Dear Julio Ponce, forgive me for being presumptuous, but I always am

October 18, 2021 we tongue-in-cheek advise Julio Ponce to increase his behind-the-scene efforts to buy up the entire 400,000mt LCE export quota chits. See Post 1588 titled Oh no! BRZ UP 20% at 1:30PM ET. I hope this means Julio Ponce is buying the 400,000MT LCE export quotas (chits)

October 19, 2021 we advise Julio Ponce to take a 44.5% partnership in MSB-SpA and present to him a budget/proforma to support that move to become a privateer lithium miner in Chile. See Post 1598 titled Dear Julio Ponce, if your 5 companies buy ALL five 80,000mt chits then I think we can sign a deal as early as February 2022.

October 21, 2021 in an effort to go balls-to-wall on becoming the 3rd largest lithium miner in Chile we advise Julio Ponce to consider also aligning with Codelco (Octavio Araneda CEO) in a partnership with MSB-SpA in order that we can produce at maximum production 49,999mtpa of LCE and create a $4 billion lithium company in Maricunga Chile. We are proposing the Ponce Family take a 25% partnership in the ne JV and Codelco take a 18.75% partnership. See Post 1601 titled Dear Martin Borda, Julio Ponce & Octavio Araneda, in order to form a more perfect