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Re: chemist72 post# 39163

Sunday, 10/17/2021 7:55:37 AM

Sunday, October 17, 2021 7:55:37 AM

Post# of 39449
Also, samtrade sea pte (the merger) has been the owner of the preferred shares A-1 since the purchase from lazar. Of which Sam is 100percent owner. So now, I’m assuming Sam takes the 90 million common and the 20 million preferred must be given up?
Also under the latest filing if you look under affiliates you will see not only (sea) but also samtrade fx limited (the brokerage). Could be considered an affiliate only because Sam is director of all corps. Not sure.

Under Note 9.

Note 9 – Subsequent Event
On October 01, 2021, the Board of Directors of S.A.M. Trade (Asia) Pte Limited, a Nevada corporation (“SMFX”) and 100% owned subsidiary of the Company, approved and finalized a Share Exchange Agreement (“Share Purchase Agreement”) with S.A.M. Trade (SEA) Pte Limited, through Goh Nai De (“Goh”), the controlling shareholder of SMFX. Pursuant to the Share Exchange Agreement, SMFX will own all of the issued and outstanding equity of SFXL, the Owner will be issued 90,000,000 shares of SMFX (the “Common Stock”), representing 99% of SMFX’s outstanding shares of Common Stock (the “Share Exchange”), calculated post-issuance; and SFXL will hold no common shares of SMFX, as the wholly-owned subsidiary of SMFX. The transaction will constitute a reverse merger.

If you go back to the table in the filing you would think that sfxl would mean samtrade fx limited as listed. Which is the brokerage.
So all of this is confusing because (sea) is also a new company and we have no idea if they generate revenue either. Seems it may have just been a vehicle for Sam to restructure the shares? But why get rid of the preferred? If they were going to a big board the ratio would never be approved by anyone towards an uplist as they aren’t liquid for trading.

Sam needs to become a better communicator towards his shareholders. Whom so far he has shown no regard.