STILL doing Romans----for today's thought(s)---From my John MacArthur Study Bible---"No one has ever been declared righteous before God, except by faith alone. True faith is not a single event , but a way of life----it endures and that endurance is called perseverance---also noted that no matter what satan does, saving faith cannot be destroyed---as displayed in the story of Job." Just a thought here...the thief on the cross when Jesus was crucified, to me is an excellent example of saving faith, I don't suggest we wait quite that long to decide , I have often made mention of our works doesn't cut it, it is our belief (faith) that counts.
In the 1st chapter of Romans, speaking of the people here, we read where "God gave them up to uncleanness" -----"For this reason God gave them up to vile passions"----"God gave them over to a debased mind"------when man-kind consistently abandon God, He will abandon them.....other words God gave us the freewill to do as we choose... We each make a personal choice, should we decide to follow God, Jesus Christ then the Holy Spirit will teach us all things, basically lead & direct us-----if we choose other-wise then I reckon the above applies. The Christian will fall short, will stumble along the way, will fall down and get all dusty....but...the Holy Spirit will bring to the Christian what he or she has done....then enters in what Scripture speaks of as "forgiveness". the Christians ask and the Christian receives -----none of us are perfect and I have way more than my hands full trying to get me straight that I don't have time to pass judgment on others.....ain't my job
God Bless and have a great week-end