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Friday, 10/08/2021 2:40:48 PM

Friday, October 08, 2021 2:40:48 PM

Post# of 5800
8k - 10/04/2021

Item 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure
On October 4, 2021, Coda Octopus Group, Inc. (the “Company”) presented at a publicly accessible webinar to prospective investors.

The Company’s Chief Executive Officer discussed the Company’s growth strategy and laid out the key pillars central to its growth, namely the new generation Echoscope®, the Diver Augmented Vision Display System (DAVD) and the new generation Thermite®. She also explained that she expected margins to be maintained and that the Company’s growth strategy will be funded by cash generated by the Company and that she did not expect the Company to take on new debt. She further explained that the investments required for realizing the Company’s growth will be made primarily in additional staff and the expansion of production facilities. She also stated that she expected the current HSBC debt to be repaid by the end of this calendar year and that the Company’s balance sheet will be unleveraged.

The Company’s Chief Executive Officer also discussed that the Company is focused on the following revenue targets for the next two years:
FY Total Revenue
2022 $28 million
2023 $40 million

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