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Alias Born 06/05/2020

Re: None

Wednesday, 09/22/2021 9:00:45 PM

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 9:00:45 PM

Post# of 140523
In order to compete with ISRG for share of the robot market, medtronics will need muti port, single port, endoscopic/pulmonary robotics. Medtronics knows the importance of titan's IP and how it will protect them from other sp companies that can infringe on tech.

Medtronic currently in patent infrigement dispute with axionics (axnx =bladder and bowel incontinence tech) and protecting themselves from copycats. Medtronic can do the same once they acquire titan and all their ips.

I believe the reason ISRG had sole market share of robotics is that it paved the way for robotics, but also because it held all the necessary ips to prevent other companies to even consider starting a new robot for over a decade.

Looking at all the companies that are currently in the market for single port and endoscopic robotics, whoever holds the IP is the most important and has most utility. And which company holds the most ips... Titan. I will hold long on titan and I believe things will play out in favor of titan.