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Re: Smartyjones post# 92597

Saturday, 09/18/2021 2:02:17 PM

Saturday, September 18, 2021 2:02:17 PM

Post# of 92769
Well... What did CEO say? LMAO!!!

AFPW has great ideas and projects??? Tell us again... What projects and what ideas are you talking about? Hmmmm??? Don't tell us RE and Hydrogen again!! As you and I know both of those ideas are old ones and used so many times before that it is funny that you even mentioned them... Patent has expired 2019 and the RE is/was just a big joke and a scam for the past 3 plus years or so... The RE crap has already been tried here on numerous occasions and never once got to see a purchase and sales agreement or anything close to a deal. That's because you don't have the money to do so with. How about that deal you tried to pull off with one of the traders from here... He told the board here you didn't have any money but tried to convince him to take shares in this turd (scam) which he of course refused and then posted the embarrassing trade that was offered right here on this board..... Which made a lot of us laugh like hell.... You have nothing to offer traders here just another BS scam... Think about it!!!