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Re: RunningLow post# 272

Friday, 09/10/2021 5:33:57 PM

Friday, September 10, 2021 5:33:57 PM

Post# of 306
Problem is if anybody ponies up the $12-16MM to get the prototype completed and move the company from square one, they will also probably want about 90% of the company in return so we current stockholders are left with very little.

Company has let go some very, very important people that leaves the future highly in doubt IMO.

Hoping for the best but unless we see a white knight (which is always more a wish than a fact) we aren't in too good a situation IMO.

The worst thing of all is that the technology, especially now that they would be converting the stranded gas to chemicals, screams as a major win for somebody and in the world of energy $16MM is peanuts. Can't believe some big boy in the energy field (either a company or a wealthy land owner reaping large royalties) hasn't had the guts to give it a go.

Guess the days of the true "wildcat" are over in the energy game.
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