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Re: StockItOut post# 2415

Friday, 09/10/2021 5:25:22 PM

Friday, September 10, 2021 5:25:22 PM

Post# of 2470
And after the close for a good 18 minutes that 20.000 SRUTF $0.0478 trade was nowhere on the tape or the chart.

All then it all changed about 18 minutes after the close, where that 20,000 SRUTF share $0.0478 trade showed-up to display on both the tape, and on the chart.

Yet, the 35,000 SRUTF shares trade at $0.0463 was now completely gone; gone from the tape and gone the charts.

OTC Market Makers conspiring here to fix the tape and the charts, and after being published is supposed real time.

SRUTF buys messing with their short positions? And messing with how these OTC Market Makers want the chart technicals to read?

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