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Re: Screwdriverx post# 52334

Wednesday, 08/18/2021 3:30:07 PM

Wednesday, August 18, 2021 3:30:07 PM

Post# of 69957


NOW - their boy punk CEO aka Matty had the guts to LIE and LIE BIG ON-CAMERA about some bullshit "SHARE BUYBACK" when this SCAM is more busted broke than the crack head street dude I passed at some park during lunch LMAO !!!

$76K TOTAL CASH LEFT ON-HAND against $6 MILLION PLUS in current debts and over a $MILLION in just accounts payable aka BILLS DUE RIGHT NOW or net 30 to 45 as ANY SMALL BUSINESS OWNER KNOWS FOR A FACT - so how many of the 6 BILLION toilet paper shares is the ass clown Matty aka THE PUNK supposedly going to "BUY BACK" and with WHAT KIND OF MONOPOLY MONEY WTF ???

The kid Matty aka THE PUNK - is a criminal con working on being INDICTED and not civil crimes kinda indicted but CRIMINALLY INDICTED :)

With $1.4 MILLION in toxic convertible death spiral notes owed (CURRENT - as in the next 12 months or less, and most due in 6 months or less) - it's going to get a hell of a lot WORSE !!

And NO "derivative income" made them any money or "profits" as is the profuse lie being peddled now on The Twit and Twitter LMAO !!!!

DERIVATIVE INCOME is a paper entry - it's from "dual entry" or "ledger" accounting where EVERY ASSET has a "dual" entry on the LIABILITY side that always must "balance out".

AS THE TOXIC GUTTER NOTES ISSUED a yr or 8 months ago or whatever WERE FINALLY CONVERTED AND PAID TO ZERO - they get moved from the LIABILITY side of the ledger to INCOME aka the ASSET SIDE - but any cash received from those gutter notes was SPENT 6 or 8 MONTHS OR A YR AGO and is long long long GONE.

AND any "Derivative income" entry, it sure as hell was not real cash "income" generated by INNER-SCAM "selling" a a damn thing aka "REVENUES" from "hearing aid sales"" as is the Twatter lies now being pumped on this dog crap SCAM !!

Moreover - the "value" booked is the MASSIVE INFLATED value of the gutter notes converted - the $977K or whatever the hell it was, but INNER-SCAM receives a fraction of that amount due to STEEP DISCOUNTS on the notes and very high interest rates and huge up-front fees etc. INND-a-CON probably received $500K TOTAL CASH SPENT AND GONE 8 to 12 months ago for the "$977K derivatives income" entry which smoke and mirrored this con job to supposes "positive net income" = accounting bullshit and book-cooking 101 for OTC scams :)

INNER-CON recorded REAL CASH LOSSES of $100K a month in Q-2 or $1 Ma MILLION PER YEAR - while selling ALMOST NOTHING and borrowing $690K in GUTTER DEATH SPIRAL NOTES OWED in just 2021 now = this is a ATM DILUTION DEBT MACHINE for the Moore Mores and not a damn "hearing aid sales business" LMAO !!

Look - they sandbagged that bullshit filing better than a US Marine platoon getting bunkered-in, inside the heart of enemy territory LMAO !!!

INNER-SCAM sold IF LUCKY "maybe" 5 pairs of hearing aids PER MONTH as their ads show a pair being about a $2K sale per set LOL !!

THAT after blowing 5 BILLION in dilution shares and inking in Feb, March, April and now July a total of $195K + $165K + $165K + $165K GUTTER DEATH SPIRAL NOTES = $690K in DEATH SPIRAL NOTES OWED the first which started converting the last week or two and ripped the share price to .0075.

Those other Qty-3 gutter notes (ALL GS CAPITAL hedge lending Inc) - they will convert in Sept, Oct and Nov now and BURY THIS POS to nuke sub depths in never ending dilution tranches and then a REVERSE SPLIT !!

BOOKS R COOKED R US = the new name for Matty aka THE PUNK and momma I play CFO Kimberly Moore More aka The Easy Bake Oven Lady :)

ALL THAT MATTERS - are the REAL CASH ENTRIES as all else (derivatives liability changes and intangible MASSIVELY inflated assets that do not exist etc are ALL BOOK COOKING 101 !!) -

1) They had NO REAL "NET INCOME" - just pure smoke using a change in DERIVATIVE LIABILITY aka paper entry via converting TOXIC DEBT NOTES INTO 5 BILLION DILUTION SHARES = no cash landed as actual "income" = textbook 101 smoke entry. DILUTION and a HELL OF A LOT OF IT caused that change !

2) The ONLY entries that matter are REVENUES (Gross aka top-line and net after cost of sales) and OPERATING EXPENSES as in real cash used day to day and owed to people NOW and in terms of that they LOST $100K PER MONTH aka NET LOSS FROM OPERATIONS = THEY ARE BK BUSTED BROKE w/o ENDLESS SIGNING OF TOXIC DEBT GUTTER NOTES and endless dilution that results from same.

3) They borrowed another gutter note on Juky 7 for $165K or they'd be in BK COURT ALREADY !!
That is a FACT - they ended the Qtr with only a lousy $76K TOTAL CASH meaning w/o that gutter note of $165K they'd be BK and close to $100K negative operating cash in the hole !

4) They sandbagged a shit load of entries to RELATED PARTY NOTES = another textbook OTC shit filing 101 basics "tactic" on how to cook the books. This is shifting shit like the $6K a month they pay Daddy Mark Moore aka THE PERP in his portion of their monthly lease obligations over to "We'll just make up a note owed and pay pops later" - they did it with multiple items. NOTES OWED THEY CAN NEVER PAY BACK TO THEMSELVES - but they make up for it in "other" ways - textbook OTC when "the family" IS THE COMPANY with no independent oversight !!

5) Their cost of sales looks 100% fraudulent - they "claim" they sold (Gross) about $39K in hearing aids in 3 months (PATHETIC AND LAUGHABLE for 5 BILLION in dilution shares) but their COST OF SALES BARELY CHANGED from last Qtr when they had total sale of about $8K WTF ??

SHOW US THAT NEAT TRICK - so you got your inventory for free now as where is the cost of the hearing aid units one sold ?

TOTAL revenues "net" after cost of sales is $30K / 3 at best = $10K a month (this is the ONLY REAL CASH, other than gutter notes borrowed, that lands in their bank - all else is SMOKE n MIRRORS !!)

Try this "business model" - generate $10K TOTAL CASH INTO ONE'S BANK by selling crap no one wants all while SPENDING REAL CASH of $100K PER MONTH and see how long that lasts w/o the ability to ENDLESSLY DILUTE LMAO !!!

It's called burning and smoking $90K a MONTH or smoking $1 MILLION A YEAR in real cash aka being INSOLVENT and BK or an ATM DILUTION MACHINE that lives on toxic debt gutter notes = same difference :)

6) Their EXPENSE LINE INCREASED same period w/ SALARIES ALONE rising by around $90K over the three months (yes $90K freaking compensation and benies increase in 3 months WTF as sales barely budged ?) - going from $109K in Q-1 to now $194K in Q-2 is MASSIVE RED FLAG !!!

7) They "claim" to have had net income but did it via SANDBAGGING almost $1 MILLION aka $977K in DERIVATIVES liability change aka toxic gutter notes converted into DILUTION SHARES and thus a fantasy "net income" supposedly was generated.

That "cost" the shareholders 5 BILLION in dilution shares and a REAL LOSS of 90% or more in share price !!!

Back-out the bullshit $977K in derivatives liability change aka smoke "income" and they LOST a real $300K plus or AT LEAST $100K REAL DOLLARS PER MONTH smoked and LOST and GONNER !! PERIOD - this is known as CASH ACCOUNTING vs ACCRUAL accounting !

I suspect INND-a-CON is "channel stuffing" and/or scamming via "3rd party transactions" via the $640K they just made "materialize" somehow as an "asset" listed as "accounts receivable" but it never changes by much from Qtr to Qtr - it's just parked there WTF?

Smells like they bought worthless inventory and then "shipped it" to a holding channel like THEMSELVES or some drop ship company and it's now "sitting" there but does not sell and shows thus as a "receivable" and "asset" when REALITY IS they move and sell almost NO INVENTORY - the shit barely sells as proven by their meager $10K revenues.

They also book another "asset" as $300K owed from a "related party" = textbook "We gave daddy or mommy something and they will pay us back someday in like 50 yrs, but just not right now" = cooking them books.

AND their big lie is $879,336 in fantasy INTANGIBLE ASSET value LMFAO !!

THAT is the big one most faux "companies" use to INFLATE THEIR ASSET LINE to the moon - the "Yeah, our name and website and shit has value" like you know, almost a $MILLION worth when reality is we're a DEBT RIDDLED MONEY PIT SOAKED IN TOXIC DEBT and NO ONE not even a dude on crack would PAY US a $MILLION to walk away and leave them everything - as all they'd be getting is a SHIT LOAD OF DEBT and WORTHLESS INVENTORY when accurately valued at pennies on the dollar - oh, and our neato sign we paid like $25K for in polished stainless steel with our stock logo on it LOL !!!

THAT's a 5 MINUTE FIRST-PASS "READ" OF THE DISASTER REPORT - and it's a F-ing train wreck and DILUTION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION REPORT as they're buried in toxic debt again and remember, this report is REAR VIEW MIRROR ended June 30th so that CASH-ON-HAND IS SMOKED AND GONE and they be INKING MORE TOXIC NOTES RIGHT NOW the day after they file or THEY ARE BK busted BROKE AS USUAL !!

Hey - how bout the Matty aka THE PUNK BIG LIE of "$100K a month TV and AD CAMPAIGN with TV commercials" blah blah blah LMAO !!!

$79K TOTAL CASH TO THEIR NAME and they owed $1.3 MILLION in just "accounts payable" (they sandbagged and moved $720K over to a related party - aka Daddy Mark Moore aka THE PERP IMO) and owe a REAL CASH AMOUNT of $690K to "vendors" and "service providers" = 30 to 45 days DUE NET MAX and that $79k CASH IN THE BANK WAS GONE a month ago LMAO :)

SOooo....HOW DOES MATTY aka THE PUNK LIAR fund "$100K a month in new TV ads about to air in NY and on billboards" blah blah BULLSHIT ALERT level DEFCON 5 RED ALERT :)


If one thinks this is a life changing investment that's going to revolutionize the hearing industry, think again.


*INND was founded on fraud. In 2017 the Moores lost their license due to a scam that took advantage of veterans and the elderly.

*The Moores set up a puppet company with their college dropout son as "CEO" aka Matty aka THE PUNK to continue their scam under the OTC Act.

*The do not have a research team or an exclusive, proprietary product. Instead, they are simply buying off the rack Xiamen Newsound devices and reboxing. Anyone can buy the devices Innerscope is selling for $1500 off the internet for $300.

* They have a long history of promises that failed to materialize or turn a profit:

Past partnerships with Zounds, Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington, Sears, Walmart the bullshit fantasy "2019 1,000 plus Kiosks done" all except never happened and on and on and on.........


Still no BJ's.
Still no joint PR.
Still no fortune 25 company.
Still no kiosks

$10K TOTAL PER MONTH banked "revenues" while SALARIES INCREASED by $30K PER MONTH and 2.2 BILLION toilet paper shares have been diluted just since 2021 started LMAO !!!

2.2 BILLION shares of dilution generated $10K PER MONTH banked revenues and over $100K PER MONTH real cash losses :)


INND-a-CON IS a PUMP AND DILUTE OTC CON n FRAUD and nothing more Moore !

Posts contain only my amateur opinions, personal views and thoughts. I discuss stocks as a hobby only. Always do one's own due diligence before investing.