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Alias Born 02/21/2013

Re: i_bought_psid post# 3082

Wednesday, 07/28/2021 5:19:57 AM

Wednesday, July 28, 2021 5:19:57 AM

Post# of 3113
That's true, but there are so many other points of view to take.

For instance with this POS.

You may not lose money until you sell but you can see the potential and the amount you would lose daily.

So when I look at my portfolio under KSHB and see I am currently down 86% on my original investment, there is no need to worry. Just don't sell and ride it down to what? When do you cut your losses and salvage what you can?

This POS isn't going anywhere. Once they tasted the sweet personal gains they made thru dilution, they have not stopped.

You don’t lose money until you sell

Is advice for Long Term Investors sitting on quality shares, not like this POS from the OTC Swamp. This thing once had a chance. It's crystal clear these A**holes are not interested in increasing shareholder value

Hero Worship Inhibits Free Thinking -- Don't Drink The Kool-Aid
. . . . . . . . and of course Reverse Splits SUCK!!!!!

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