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Alias Born 04/05/2008

Re: None

Saturday, 07/24/2021 2:34:00 PM

Saturday, July 24, 2021 2:34:00 PM

Post# of 14960
Good attempt but look at the context.

Greetings Fellow Readers and Hulk,

You made a good attempt at communicating - but you need to work on your "assumptions".

I think you make some assumptions about me or shareholders that needs some adjustment.

To make things easy - I'll post your statement and then answer it and then the next:

In writing about the sanitizer products you stated "... I ask you this. How do you know if they are or aren't selling these products? "

Answer ===> Hulk - my point on selling the sanitizer products is not about Amazon sales (as I've stated in the past) - its about larger and meaningful sales. In the jargon of professional sales activities - its about "elephant hunting". And if we were in fact selling to the several specific prospect groups I keep talking about - when they'd convert one of those prospects to a client - they would have done a press release.

"Name change would solidify this as Helio... assuming that would be the chosen name. I know, but what about the hand sanitizer. Maybe this turns into a long term play, and the company is SOLELY moving towards focusing on JUST CRYPTO."

Answer ===> Hulk - what part of a name change to Helio would agree with all their many prior statements of intention ? CYIO was targeted by the management already from early 2019 to resuscitate this public company to be acquiring many businesses - with the health and sanitizer market being the first and substantial effort. Their many public statements in 2019 have all focused on multiple companies and multiple markets. To now suddenly alter that entire agenda and purpose to focus only on Helio/crypto oriented would be a significant step backward on all levels.

"Cyios is not an SEC reporting company... So Helio DOESN'T NEED to release that information. Sure maybe for shareholders, but you do know this is the OTC correct." . . . . . "We trust management did their due diligence and acquired the company in the best interest of their shareholders and long term growth. THEY would have seen that information prior to acquisition, why would we?"

Answer ===> Hulk - lets not beat around the bush. Helio knew everything but public shareholders knew nothing. Helio's goal was to be a public traded company. And hiding all the information does not create confidence or an appearance of professionalism and skill as a public company - something that is required to succeed as a public company. When leadership acts with commitment and awareness to its shareholders - you build an impact of benefit for current and future shareholders . . . when leadership hides or delays meaningful information to the public it hurts the confidence shareholders can have or did have in a public company. You stated "we trust management" - who is "we". What have they disclosed about the value or purpose of having Helio ? What have they done that creates confidence for shareholders? If they are going to be a succeeding public company - they must recognize their acts or lack of acts alters the reception of CYIO as a public company. Sam Walton used to say - smart businesses demonstrate by their actions - how they value their shareholders - not by their words.

"Once you see this information what will change? How do you classify Helio Lending? Start up? Because I do."

Answer ===> Hulk - I don't see Helio as a start up at all - they'e been in operation since late 2018. A startup doesn't have time for creating yet another whole entity like CYIO unless it is well past the "startup" mode - yet how they are diddling around with Propy and Paloma - neither of them are generating money for Helio - in fact Paloma is still attempting to create a structure of some kind to even start - and Propy is making money on their own activity - but only trying to develop some tool of partnership so Helio can make any money at some future time. My viewpoint is that Helio needs to be harvesting money and then very gradually developing other options - not developing all the other possible options first that are creating no money.

"Call the company and tell them to focus less on a potential multi million dollar business, and to focus on the flooded market of hand sanitizer that wouldn't exist if COVID wasn't around. The logic totally makes sense. But covid is around so might as well capitalize on it. Sure 100%, money is money, make them balance sheets look good. Id rather more attention on the bigger picture then the smaller picture."

Answer ===> Hulk - that statement to me is the exact opposite - and its also the number 1 reason small business's fail - trying to go big and forsake the need for stable income development. Smart small businesses do a little "elephant hunting" while diligently make and proving the business model by making steady income. Lets just say that selling sanitizer products in quantity is possible and they don't even try to do it - that's bad management and bad vision.

Now here is clear vision - all the tons of alcohol based sanitizer businesses or getting out of the market at this point or declining rapidly because cheap low quality sanitizers are not the demand and answer in those several important prospect sectors I keep talking about. Hulk you believe the market for sanitizers is "flooded" and I say its just the opposite for our prospective markets - the quantity of non-alcohol competitors is less than the fingers on your 2 hands - and that is dispersed over many markets. You just don't seem to recognize how different the alcohol market is from the non-alcohol market - different pricing - different performance - different clientele - different opportunity. And that opportunity for CYIO can be done in low cost marketing methods - but require skill - professional selling skill. Skills to see where the opportunities are - skills to make appropriate contacts - skills to educate the prospects in a way "THEY can understand". Its a veritable gold mine when you know where to look for the gold. Do I know where to look? Absolutely - but then numerous other professional selling people would too and how to do it.

"Management showing they have intentions to uplist, is great because that shows that they see their business growing large enough to be able to fulfil those requirements."

Answer ===> Hulk. You can't be that naive - virtually every startup business has the same intentions of desire to "uplist" - its in all of them - and the thing that stops it from happening - is they focus to much on the future and not on the necessities of today - that's why smart leaderships "elephant hunt" a little - and continue to build sales day to day at the very same time.

Now changing the name of the company should be something done when its meaningful and stabilized - like when you are planning to list on a different exchange.

Final point - - - When you look at all the succeeding companies in the publicly traded - they all have created shareholders who are confident in the company's methods, professionalism and attitude toward their shareholders (their public shareholders).

Today - right now - I see that the Sanitizer opportunities could create more income than the Helio side can. There is a need - we have products to fill those needs - and we have very little compeition at this point.