If you are talking about this company their prices are insane. https://www.leaffilter.com/discover/?utm_source=41PA&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=product-ND&utm_term=find-out&campaignid=11896150739&adgroupid=119371169234&network=g&device=c&creative=491835101427&keyword=gutter%20filters&adposition=&loc_physical_ms=1021149&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9O6HBhCrARIsADx5qCTFFex_42L60r3p99iT3aelHqS9BR-Tns4dE_UVtRYujnGyHfnV-HYaAmgREALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Our house is a 1200 sq ft ranch. They started out at over $6K then with the "discounts" they got it down to $4500. lol. I got a quote from Lowes for $1500 and finally another quote from a local gutter company for $1800 and I went with them. I went with a 5 inch gutter even though the guy said I only needed a 4 inch. We get some wicked thunder storms. And I had these installed on top which with the larger gutter does the job. www.e-zgutter.com/assets/img/products/ez-smooth-flow/EZ-Smooth-Flow.jpg