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Thursday, 07/22/2021 2:10:58 PM

Thursday, July 22, 2021 2:10:58 PM

Post# of 2
CubicFarm Systems

CubicFarm Systems points out that 1.3 billion tons of produce rots in transport every year. We’re shipping food great lengths, but with modern technology, that’s no longer necessary. CubicFarm is building and selling automated growing machines. They’re used for fresh produce, nutritious livestock feed and plant propagation.

CubicFarm also uses hydroponic technology. It provides complete indoor agricultural systems. The company also has vertical farm consultants. They help provide research and solutions for clients. On top of that, CubicFarm has an experienced leadership team.

If you decide to invest in CubicFarm stock, it’s a smaller Canadian company. It’s headquartered in British Columbia and its stock trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). You can also buy shares in U.S. over-the-counter (OTC) markets, though.