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Re: crowin post# 33113

Sunday, 07/11/2021 8:30:31 PM

Sunday, July 11, 2021 8:30:31 PM

Post# of 33129
Did you check in with this scam recently? Where'd they go?
I didn't look, but I wonder if rrri got hit by all the robot trading by RH or whoever with the otcm computer trading assault.
If you're not aware of what I write, do a trade daily search for scam stocks like bkmp, ggci and you will see starting roughly January 24th 2021 a huge volley of scam stocks get computer traded for days, weeks with identical same second trades in groups of 5 to 35 at a time. Same pattern with all dead zombie stocks that popped out of the grave for a few weeks back in January this year. Amazing, but looks like a large percentage have gone back to the grave.