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Re: Ecomike post# 86464

Wednesday, 06/30/2021 6:43:28 PM

Wednesday, June 30, 2021 6:43:28 PM

Post# of 100255
At this point its super hard to justify the actions of that man as great. I'm not here to bash you or nwgc. I had really high hopes for this company. The name itself is what got me to look into it so long ago.

However, this lawyer of miller is a securities fraud lawyer. They make a living on that. For him to excuse himself in the middle of court and go as far as say I can't say anything more as I might incriminate myself, means he knows a fuck ton of illegal information about what his former client did. I'm my experience as well as talking with lawyer friends, lawyers who excuse themselves from a case usually do it because of a conflict of interest. Which is not what we have here. He excused himself because of certain information that 'came to a head yesterday'. Which anyone who can read and comprehend will tell you that it is not good. His company helped miller sue nwgc to setup a shareholder meeting to which they gave wrong/false info to the Florida courts. They are on the chopping now too sorta speak.

No matter which side of the fence you are on with this stock, the future is dark and after today's court debacle.. there is no light at the end of tunnel, imo. It sucks I get it.