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Saturday, 05/08/2021 12:35:45 PM

Saturday, May 08, 2021 12:35:45 PM

Post# of 45226

Ray DiLorenzo: In The Presence of Evil

By Ray DiLorenzo
May 8, 2021

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ep 6:12

History is filled with unheeded warnings of doom, and looming evil. In 45 B.C. Julius Caesar was told by a soothsayer, Spurinna, to beware the ides of March. Caesar’s wife also expressed, from a dream, concerns that he was entering a dangerous time. Caesar feared the omens, but a ‘friend’ and trusted associate, Decimus Brutus, convinced him to attend a meeting with the Senate. “Will someone of your stature pay attention to the dreams of a woman and the omens of foolish men?” The rest is history.

How much coincidence and connivance are we to overlook?

Caesar should have realized it depends on the intelligence. if it is just about a relatively minor concern, believe who you will. But, a major slice of information, especially about your own life, always deserves close scrutiny and caution no matter the source.

And there lies the dilemma. Whether to consider vital information from every source or only from those you know and believe you trust.

How about when the source is yourself? Much critical information can be obtained from observation. The politician might say, “Will you believe me or your lying eyes?” Unfortunately, many are disregarding what they see, believing only what they hear from a system with the weight of 245 years of history, a system they previously trusted, even if imperfect.

It takes unusual strength of character to move beyond the history, beyond the heavy machinery of government, the authority it exudes, and see it for what it has become…a corrupt, obese, carnal, self-serving, malevolent master, seeking without mercy those that imperil its existence.

How much coincidence and connivance are we to overlook? For at least the last ten years we have heard stories of A New World Order, then The Great Reset. They claim it’s all going to solve the world’s most vexing problems. They contend the world is over-populated, that we need to control all life on the planet. Democracy, property rights, and capitalism will be dismantled, privacy will be no more. A social credit system will be initiated like in Communist China. People will be given credits depending on how cooperative they are.

Global warming became climate change and we will all die in 12 years unless we give the government our money and more power.

Obama forced upon our conscience that we were all racists

Obama forced upon our conscience that we were all racists, our blue state cities were falling apart and it was all because of racism. In fact, racism became the catchall for every ill, especially in the blue states. Racism later became white supremacy. Never mind that their brand of systemic racism didn’t extend to red states.

Trump, an outsider, runs for president. Fabricated Russian conspiracy stories run rampant from the opposition and the press. Trump wins. The Democratic Party goes ballistic. Stories of Russian collusion continue with the flavor of evidence and proof while showing none. 97% of stories from the media concerning Trump’s presidency are negative.

Trump creates the strongest economy and military in our history, makes us energy independent, manufacturing comes back, unemployment rates the lowest on record. The Southern border is finally on its way to being controlled. The Media reports on Trump are still negative at about 92%. The Democrat party becomes obsessive with Trump. They must be rid of him. He endures impeachment. Trump is acquitted. Out of nowhere with Trump facing a re-election campaign, COVID-19 suddenly appears almost immediately. The so-called pandemic ruins the Trump economy affecting countless millions of families. I can almost hear some Democrat operative saying, “Let’s ruin the economy, maybe we’ll win an election, or, “how ‘bout killing several hundred thousand people, that should do it.” Yes, they would do that.

The Swamp and the healthcare industry use coercion to control the lives of every American. They close schools, churches, restaurants, small business, putting millions out of work. They forbid dancing, walking outside without a face covering, no kissing. It’s almost like an Islamic state. They devastate the middle class, a prerequisite for the Great Reset. Despite fake polling, Trump’s re-election chances are still almost guaranteed. He’s running against a candidate that doesn’t know what day it is.

What do your eyes tell you?

The Democrats and the media played it and continue to play it as a violent insurrection

The 2020 Election takes place. Blue states fight for and get mail-in ballots. COVID-19, you know. The counting of ballots mysteriously stops at about 11PM ET. Hundreds of thousands of ballots mysteriously appear in the middle of the night. Thousands of pages of signed affidavits are collected from election workers, 234 pages from just Michigan alone, showing election fraud. Estimates are that 5 million votes were transferred from Trump to Biden. State legislatures, courts, even the Supreme Court, fearful of rioting (previously primed), show no interest. They proclaim Biden the winner. They impeach Trump a second time, making sure he can no longer run for president. It was unsuccessful. They claimed he incited an insurrection after ‘mobs stormed the Capitol.’ Of course, the ‘mobs’ included Antifa and BLM, and were beckoned to come into the Capitol Building by the Capitol police. The Democrats and the media played it and continue to play it as a violent insurrection. Biden is inaugurated as Democrats encircle the Capitol with troops and fencing to show who is in charge and to protect their coup.

The Democrats continue to hype COVID, leaving many businesses and schools closed, forcing children, who have virtually no chance of catching the disease, who had been dealing with isolation, to wear face masks. A sharp rise in child suicide ensues. The Biden administration pays workers to stay home under the guise of COVID, breaking the back of millions of small businesses who cannot find workers.

Now for the coup de grace. It is coming out slowly that the deaths and sickness from the COVID vaccine have been much more than advertised. The former VP of Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, doesn’t understand why the government (Democrat controlled) is so adamant that everyone get the vaccine, even while the pandemic is waning. Does anyone ever remember the government being that concerned with our health? “It is madness, involves evil, includes crimes against humanity and may have the intention of massive-scale depopulation…I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil and dangerous products. (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career).” Tucker Carlson released a report on May 5 about COVID-19 vaccine deaths and, according to World Net Daily, may as well have poked the hornet’s nest.

What do your eyes tell you?

We have entered one of the most dangerous times in our history

We have entered one of the most dangerous times in our history. Our country is indeed in grave jeopardy. Some would say we are already a Communist regime. We see a major political party that has lost its way, gone socialist, is anti-God, pushing hard for everyone to question the viability of our country, our form of government, while creating chaos. They’re questioning free speech, the viability of police, self-defense, religious freedom. They’ve corrupted our judicial system. No institution has been spared. They claim to have answers, but, they can’t answer the simplest of questions like, why can’t my child read? We seem to be living in a sort of mixture of political drama and science fiction. To be sure, it is not fiction, it is happening.

To fully grasp the current events as they unfold is monumental. It is unlike anything we have ever experienced, except in a ‘B’ movie. You must break through the disbelief that this could be happening. The Left hopes you will ignore it, scoff it as just more political chicanery. It is not. It is the culmination of 100 years of stratagem.

The Devil will say, “The shadows betray you because they serve me.”


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