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Re: Realtalknofaketalk post# 472

Thursday, 04/15/2021 6:03:32 PM

Thursday, April 15, 2021 6:03:32 PM

Post# of 500
No returns are pretty typical for new product manufacturing especially a new vice style product where they are writing the rules as they go. Most companies don't show profits for 7 years.

Tinley is doing what is in their business plan. We've had a few detours along the way but still focused on beverages, although we backburnered cbd style in favour of thc infused and quickly formulated the Becketts brand of non infused and zero alcohol adult style offerings.

The Becketts can be found in some States and Canadian provinces. Because of the no-cannabinoid category they happened very quickly. We have THC infused Tinley's in rts and ms skus in California and soon to be released in Canada when they get through the 60 day government approval checkpoint.

This company has moved this forward despite all the rules and regulations that are changeable as we go. Management has concentrated on getting products on shelves instead of pumping their shareprice. Good numbers will bolster the shareprice but could take a couple of quarters after hitting shelves. My gut tells me that they should be good because of the awards we've won and the time Tinley spent formulating and tweaking their products. I have tried our competitors brands in Canada and they are not tasty or effective which I am hoping our products are.

glta and dyodd